Dear children, my maternal Heart suffers as I look at my children who do not love the truth, who hide it, while I look at my children who do not pray with feelings and deeds.I am sorry when I tell my Son that many of my children they have no more faith, they do not know him, my Son, therefore I invite you, apostles of my love: you seek to look deep into the hearts of men, and there you will surely find a hidden little treasure. Heavenly Father: To seek the good even where there is the greatest evil, to try to understand one another and not to judge: this is what my Son asks of you, and I, as a Mother, invite you to listen to him. mine, the spirit is more powerful than the flesh and, brought by love and works, overcomes all obstacles.Don’t forget: my Son has loved you and loves you.Your love is with you and in you, when you are a thing alone with him, he is the light of the world, and ne no one and nothing can stop him in the final glory. Therefore, apostles of my love, do not be afraid to witness the truth! Testify with enthusiasm, with works, with love, with your sacrifice, but above all with humility. Testify the truth to all those who did not know my Son. I will be next to you, I will encourage you. Witness the love that never ends, because it comes from Heavenly Father who is eternal and offers eternity to all my children. The Spirit of my Son will be beside you. I invite you again, my children: pray for your pastors, pray that the love of my Son can guide them. Thank you! “
In this message of Our Lady of Medjugorje, a profound sadness and bitterness transpires, in the words of the Virgin, the same Celestial Mother begins the message emphasizing that she is “sad” … her message focuses on the delusion of the Son Jesus towards the his faithful, his shepherds and the whole of humanity! Because everyone hides the truth, everyone lives the relationship with faith in a way that is not real and distant, but what is even more painful for Christ is that one lives in the “lie”! The Madonna’s reference is subtle but intuitive, and the era of false prophets! Of those who exploit his love to deceive other people! Another crucial point of the message is the explicit and heartfelt exhortation that Our Lady makes to everyone, not to judge anyone, because the love of Christ can be in any person and especially in those who can not seem close to God! So his appeal is not to dwell on the appearance, but to go straight to the heart of the creatures, because only there is ‘guarded’ the truth “!

Maximo De Marco began his career at an early age as a dancer, model, actor, singer, training and artistically perfecting internationally, winning a grant issued by the EEC (European Economic Community) that will lead him to study with teachers of World fame, later becoming author, director, choreographer, discographer, designer and writer, thanks to all these working experiences in the Entertainment World, today Maximo De Marco is one of the most important and internationally recognized Art Director , Nominated Art Director to Vitam by the Vatican, for the WYD and Friends of Pope Francis (World Youth Day), Official Member of the International Dance Council of UNESCO and Premio Cavallo D’Argento Rai (Italian Radio Television), Career of the Music Life Tv Awards (SKY) and of Cantagiro as best Artistic Director, Amen Prize for Literature with special mention at the International Exhibition the book of Turin in 2013 and winner of the Salerno International Film Festival in 2017 with his religious historical film “Petali di Rosa”. In his career as Art Director, he has directed Televisions, Radio, Magazine, Theaters, and great Star of Music and Performing Arts, including the English Pop Star Boy George, for his World Tour in the 90s “, the winner of The Voice of Italy Sister Cristina, and other artists such as: Franco Simone, Teo Mammuccari, Fabrizio Frizzi, Antonella Ponziani, Claudia Koll…