In the immense and varied Roman scene we end up, anyway, to discover a new theatrical reality. And ‘the case, for example, the Kopò, a small theater but offers its packed program already for three years in the populous and popular Quadraro district. Kopò, the name was chosen in homage to the French playwright Jacques Copeau, who in 1913 inaugurated her Théâtre du Vieux Colombiers to “react against all the cowardice of the commercial theater” and sustain an essential acting, no mannerisms, which would contain the big stage classics”. In exactly 100 years away the small theater in Via Vestricio Spurinna has decided to dedicate his work to the figure of the French master, hoping to have the same luck and longevity, as the Kopo is based on self-production efforts of ‘ Cultural Association La Vie Boheme which was encumbered in this enterprise, not easy in the context of today’s crisis, in order to promote and disseminate the art and quality performance.
And above all , while elsewhere in many theaters the season is now over , this small independent theater offers a summer season full of sparkling tones of comedy opens on June 16 with the comedy ” Room 601 ” (with Danilo Franti , Simone Proietti Gaffi , Lilith Petillo ; Directed by Pasquale Candela) to continue for the rest of the month until July 3 with ” Between husband and wife ” ( with Alessandro Giova, Simona Epifani, Giulio Neglia ; directed by Simona Epifani who is also the artistic director of the theater) and then get to the end of July with ” Let te ” ( with Mariaelisa Barontini , Alessandro Giova, Emanuele Capecelatro ; Directed by Mariaelisa Barontini, from July 7 to 10) , ” The couple that breaks out ” (with Mariaelisa Barontini , Alessandro Giova , Emanuele Capecelatro ; Directed by Mariaelisa Barontini ; from July 14 to 17 ) and Delirium vitae (with Michele Vargiu and Giulio Federico Janni ; from July 21 to 24 )
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It highlights the show ” Between husband and wife ” , a comedy … on the psychoanalyst’s couch . The protagonist is an individual terribly annoying, as well as psychotic, Alvaro Sticchia , seeking care for his going neurosis Liliana and Joseph, married couple , both doctors specialized in mental diseases . But the bizarre patient soon reveals a ” healthy carrier ” of weeds . Between husband and wife … you know … it’s better not to intrude, but Alvaro , with the delicacy of a tsunami , will bring out the weaknesses of his therapists and succeed in making the couple arguing furiously , thus forcing them to face a couples therapy … .
The comedy has the frenetic pace at which the three actors keep head without missing a beat. The jokes vitriolic and paradoxical situations , leading finally to a grotesque reversal of roles , causing a climax of laughter and fun.
A biting Giulio Neglia, a promising actor from Salento, distinguishes for his energy and vitality on the stage. We saw him recently in the Mediaset fiction “Friendly Fire” and “It was not my son” and that soon welcome back to the cinema with two films by young indipendent directors, “Last Christmas” by Christiano Paler and the thriller “Quiet Night” by Daniele Malavolta.
Teatro Kopo , Via Vestricio Spurinna , 47-49
FROM 23 JUNE TO 3 July 2016
Actually Vera Stufano is a teacher in Secondary School, but she has been actress, director and writer for theatre. Very fond of acting, she is also interested in reviewing dramatic works performed on Roman theatres, in order to let people know the most beautiful plays and the most amazing and amusing performers on stage in Rome.
Born on 15 June 1972 in Bari, classical high school graduated and afterwards college graduated in Licterature, later she has taken a master in Mass –Media Comunication on University of Florence “Cesare Alfieri” and she has attended to Screenwriting School of Mediaset. Since 1999 until 2005 she has worked as free-lance for some TV Drama Production Society as Lux Vide S.p.A and Rai Due: she has been story editor assistant and Press Office personnel.
On 2006 she makes a different choice of life: she decided to become a school teacher and left tv showbusiness for theatre. Today she teachs italian Licterature and History in Secondary School, but she is also involved in acting whitin a little amateur theater Company “I Ricercati” or acting by herself . She has been actress, director and drama writer and she has performed on a lot of Roman stages, among which “Teatro Agorà”, “Teatro dell’Orologio” and “Piccolo Eliseo”.