For the first time, prose takes to the stage of the National Academy of Dance in Rome with the Project Lunga Vita Festival. The event was born with the aim of investigating the relationship between the classic and the contemporary even in the paradoxes that these definitions create in the art and culture of our time, helping to dismantle prejudices and common places leads.
In this sense, attention to the youth world and the desire to broaden the reference public beyond the usual boundaries are particularly important. This is why the organizers have decided to focus on the involvement of a wider and heterogeneous audience, with a great variety of genres, the offer of free afternoon events and particular forms of economic approach to the theater, such as ISEE income subscriptions.
International collaborations between Italy and Spain intertwine with the Skenè Lab workshop, 3rd edition of Tradition – Il Teatro di Domani, a training course for young professionals of the scene, aimed at production and realized with the support of SIAE – Italian Society of Authors and Publishers.
During Project Long Live Festival 2018 we’ll find artists like Stefano Benni, Ascanio Celestini, Giorgio Colangeli, Maddalena Crippa, Filippo Dini, Lindsay Kemp, Francesco Montanari, Moni Ovadia, Nadia Baldi, Elisabetta Pozzi, Timothy Martin & The Amazing Grace Gospel Choir, Stefano Sabelli, Gianmarco Saurino, Edoardo Ferrario e Giorgio Montanini.
The Long Life Project is presented as a review of theater, dance, music, art and workshops. The artistic direction is entrusted to Davide Sacco and the organizational direction of Ilaria Ceci.
The Festival is home to one of the most fascinating and magical places in the capital, the National Academy of Dance on the Aventine Hill, and enters the framework of the Roman Summer 2018 (
From Friday 13 to Friday 20 July 2018 eight days of non-stop events dedicated to the Mito and the Contemporaneo, inserted in an ideal architectural and landscape setting. The terrace and the garden of the site will host marathons of painting, exhibitions and meetings, while on the stage will alternate the shows on the bill and – thanks to the Special Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape – the Italian and international public that in the summer crowds the area archaeological site can visit, in an extraordinary and free way, the adjacent Miterre of Santa Prisca.
Francesco Montanari and Alfio Antico, with Davide Sacco’s Ulysses (13/07), the project “Odyssey, a Mediterranean tale” by Sergio Maifredi, with Maddalena Crippa in Penelope and Moni Ovadia in La gara dell’arco (17/07) ), the rewriting of Melville’s Moby Dick, signed by Davide Sacco, with Stefano Sabelli and Gianmarco Saurino (16/07), together with Elisabetta Pozzi with his Cassandra or of the devoured time (19/07) present new versions of the classic myth , to show how the past is still incredibly present and current. A leap into the contemporary that will be dealt with directly through a lively look at the social and the great contradictions of the twentieth century. The analysis of cultural barriers will be at the center of the choreographer’s dancing fresco Lu Zheng in Il cielo la terra il popolo, an Italian-Chinese co-production, while in the Ballad of the homeless, his new show, Ascanio Celestini proposes a true song of humanity (15/07); with La morte della bellezza, the director and interpreter Nadia Baldi revisits the cutting poetry of Patroni Griffi (16/07); The Waiting for Godot directed by Filippo Gili with Giorgio Colangeli and Paolo Briguglia will be a great investigation on fragility (18/07). Present the music with the Timothy Martin concert and the Amazing Grace Gospel Choir (18/07). Moreover, the stand-up comedy proposals will reveal a special attention to the aporia of our days, with the self-ironic humor of the thirty year old Edoardo Ferrario (19/07) and the inspired cry of Giorgio MontaniniLive (20/07).
The aim of the Festival is not only to convey art and culture through the evening shows, but also to create a meeting point for the city.
In this context, the many activities offered to the public are included: the art and civilization market to give space to young cultural realities and the Agora of dramaturgy to make new authors known (14/07), theme meetings with characters illustrious, such as Cristian Greco, director of the Egyptian Museum of Turin (16/07) or Maestro Elio Pecora (17/07), bulwark of Italian poetry of the twentieth century, the choreographer and dancer Lindsay Kemp (18/07), the writers Paolo Di Paolo and Antonio Pascale, who will talk about the experience of the Goliarda Sapienza Prize – Racconti dal carcere, together with the curator Antonella Bolelli Ferrera, the publisher Giulio Perrone and Federico Ragno, the young winner of the competition. And again, the live painting contest SperimentAZIONI, curated by Violetta Carpino (15/07), the cycle of meetings Literally speaking by the boys of Via della Gatta, workshops for children (held by Hockety Pockety), Biosignal Dance by Pietro Lama and social media storytelling workshop (Fattiditeatro).
Skenè Lab
The pride of the Festival will be the opening of Skenè Lab, the third edition of the project “Tradizione – Il teatro di domani”, realized with the support of SIAE – Italian Society of Authors and Publishers. Lindsay Kemp, Stefano Benni, Filippo Dini and the prof. Giuseppe Rocca will be the lecturers of an international academy – totally free – for 30 young professionals on the scene selected for a call, and aimed at the production of original works inspired by the classical tragedy. The course will close with the presentation of an excerpt of the new works to the public of Progetto Lunga Vita Festival and to a panel of experts. The winning show will debut with residence at the Calatafimi Segesta Dionisiache Festival.
In the context of the interregional and international relations that characterize the project, the twinning already underway with Segesta, the Quartieri dell’Arte Contemporary Drama Festival and the Portus Lunae Art Festival (in the STAR System, Ancient Roman Theaters Theater of Liguria), we add that between the Roman event and the International Festival of Classical Theater of Almagro (Spain) directed by Ignacio Garcìa. Dedicated to the 16th and 17th century Spanish drama, the festival, now in its 41st edition, is considered one of the most important in the world in its specificity: an unmissable cultural event that takes place during the month of July in Almagro (Ciudad Real), a splendid monumental city of Roman origin, in the plain of Mancha. The agreement begins this year with the cross-promotion of the two festivals in the respective countries, and will be realized in the 2019/2020 season with the dedication to the Golden Edition of the 2019 edition of “Tradition – the theater of tomorrow” and the commitment to hosting mutual productions.
13 JULY 2018 Friday
Literally speaking
Meeting organized by the boys of via della Gatta
Hours 22.00
Francesco Montanari and Alfio Antico in
Written and directed by Davide Sacco
co-production Tradition Theater and Actors & Technicians
14 JULY 2018 Saturday
4.00 pm
Market of Art and Civilization
Exhibition of Roman cultural realities
17.00 hours
Agora of dramaturgy
Literally speaking
Meeting organized by the boys of via della Gatta
15 JULY 2018 Sunday
17-21 hours
Experimentations – live painting contest by Violetta Carpino
choreography by Lu Zheng
Vice choreographers NaiLong Song and ChuRui Jiang
with Arianna Limina, Antonio Buonaiuti, Margherita Petrosino, Silvia Legato, Chiara Zanaga, Alessandra Berti, Chiara Vecchiato, Francesco Palmitesta, Marco Belsito, Marta Pendenza, Perla Gallo, Stefano Neri
production of Art Studio Oriental Culture
Hours 22.00
Ascanio Celestini in
of Ascanio Celestini
with Gianluca Casadei (accordion, keyboards and live electronics)
production of S.R.L.
16 JULY 2018 Monday
Voice of the verb Store
Biographies of ancient objects – Meeting with Cristian Greco, director of the Egyptian Museum in Turin
Stefano sabelli and Gianmarco Saurino
From Hermann Melville
Text and direction by Davide Sacco
Live music by Giuseppe Spedino Moffa
Production Teatri Molisani Soc. Coop.
Hours 22.00
by Giuseppe Patroni Griffi
with Nadia Baldi, Franca Abategiovanni, Marina Sorrenti, Antonella Ippolito, Rossella Pugliese
directed by Nadia Baldi
Secret Theater Production S.R.L.
17 JULY 2018 Tuesday
Moni Ovadia in
Design and direction by Sergio Maifredi
Prod. Teatro Pubblico Ligure
Hours 22.00
Maddalena Crippa in
Design and direction by Sergio Maifredi
Prod. Teatro Pubblico Ligure
18 JULY 2018 Wednesday
17.00 hours
Voice of the verb Dancing – Meeting with Lindsay Kemp
Literally speaking
Meeting organized by the boys of Via della Gatta
Gospel concert directed by Timothy Martin
Hours 22.00
Giorgio Colangeli and Paolo Briguglia in
by Samuel Beckett
with Riccardo De Filippis and Giancarlo Nicoletti
directed by Filippo Gili
production Other Scene
19 JULY 2018 Thursday
Voice of the verb Living
Meeting with Antonella Bolelli Ferrera, curator of the Goliarda Sapienza Prize – Racconti dal carcere, with the writers Tutor Paolo Di Paolo and Antonio Pascale, with the publisher Giulio Perrone and with the young winner Federico Ragno
The photographs of the young “Eddy” made at the “C. Beccaria “during the backstage of the web series” La scuola della notte “directed by Alessandro D’Alatri
Edoardo Ferrario in
Production Other Scene
Hours 22.00
Elisabetta Pozzi in
Dramaturgy and direction by Elisabetta Pozzi
Teatro Due Foundation Production
20 JULY 2018 Friday
Literally speaking
Meeting to be defined by the boys of Via della Gatta
Award ceremony evening
with the support of SIAE – Italian Society of Authors and Publishers
Hours 22.00
Giorgio Montanini
Production Other Scene
The initiative is part of the program of the Roman Summer promoted by Rome Capital Councilorship for Cultural Growth.

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