An introductory note to the Aztec horoscope
The Aztec calendar has a sacred meaning and is fundamentally based on the exact position of both the Sun and the Moon at the time of birth. That’s how ancient priests used to reckon a child’s astrological chart. The system is made up of twelve signs represented by either animals, vegetables or objects closely linked to the sacred symbols.
The Aztec Horoscope originally stems from the Mayan people. Its twelve signs are represented by the crocodile, the house, the flower, the snake, the deer, the jaguar, the cane or the reed, the rabbit, the eagle, the monkey, the sylex and the dog. For this particular system, the exact position of the stars at the time of birth is paramount for they mark people’s development and future fate. Priests also used to make predictions and guessing based on the coming of natural phenomena like eclipses, earthquakes and passing comets.
You’ll have the chance to know what your sign is, its features, your ascendant or rising star and everything the future has in stock for you. This horoscope will let you take a closer look into yourself, will bring your future back to the present and will keep you posted on those surprises the planets and the stars want to give you. It will no doubt lead you by the hand into the ins and outs of life.
Aztec horoscope has a singular characteristic; it’s different from the other like the occidental zodiac. Aztec horoscope’s Ascendant coinciding with the natural elements has a strong influence on the life of people but it hasn’t got any coincidence with the Aztec signs. Only the mixture between the ascendant and the sign gives the characteristic traits of each person.
Water (2-21/2). Original character. Great intuition and clairvoyant gifts.
Spring (22/2-13/3). Creative imagination and courage to make decisions.
Flowers (14/3-2/4). Great communicators teeming with common sense and dynamism.
Fields (3-22/4). Artistic talent and ability to control your temper.
Drought (23/4-12/5). Practical sense, sincerity and artistic sensitivity.
Food (13/5-1/6). Study skills, emotional control and creativity.
Salt (2-21/6). Language skills. Literary gifts. A touch of crackpot behavior.
Corn (22/6-11/7). Curiosity. Imagination. Attractiveness. Resourcefully upbeat.
Parties (12-31/7). Good-nature and seducing gifts. Sense of friendship.
Fire (1-20/8). Security, intuition. Ambition and generosity.
Homeland (21/8-9/9). Practical intelligence. Sense of order and tidiness. Faithfulness.
Return to the gods (10-29/9). Altruism. Sense of humor. Creativity.
Mountain (30/9-19/10). Magnetism. Good humor. Sense of solidarity.
Hunting (20/10-8/11). Will strength and self-confidence. Originality.
Feathers (9-28/11). Strong desire to make decisions. Intellectuality, spirituality and sense of charity.
Rain (29/11-18/12). Spontaneity. Gifts to meet your own goals.
Stars (19/12-7/1). Balanced and reflexive character. A very good friend.
Growth (8/1-1/2). Prudence and honesty. Great working capacity.
WATER (2-21/2)
Extremely original people empowered to create great things. They foresee happenings before they occur. They’re clairvoyants and very intelligent people. They enjoy doing things in which they have to test their own skills and tenacity. They’re clear and transparent. People who pour all their strength into work and life, this allows them to see the outcomes both in the short and the long run.
SPRING (22/2-13/3)
Original people especially when they do jobs in which they have to use their imagination. Courageous people whose value allows them to take the right decision at the right time. They are realistic and never afraid of what life might have stored for them. Perseverant people who know what they want and what their chances really are. Demanding with the people around them.
FLOWERS (14/3-2/4)
A powerful gift of the gab permits them to persuade others. Very active people who can stay hardly without having something to do. They hate boredom and tediousness. They also hate to be underemployed; being useful is the nuts and bolts of their personality. They are strongly drawn to the study of the human mind.
FIELDS (3-22/4)
Heavily attracted by the arts in which they pour all of their efforts. Hardworking people who need the recognition of their talents. They know well how to keep their temper and emotions on a short leash, a feature that makes them cold-blooded people. They seldom forget and bide their time for revenge.
DROUGHT (23/4-12/5)
Extremely sincere people to such an extent that they clearly reflect their actual frame of mind in their faces or their behaviour. Realistic people who hate to be deceived; very upbeat toward their future. They always irradiate positive energy, no matter how hard a stage of their live they might find themselves in. Strongly inclined to all artistic manifestations, chiefly music and painting.
FOOD (13/5-1/6)
Very talented people who know how to take advantage of their good virtues in life. Creative and enthusiastic beings who can’t stand watching others taking the lead, they need to be the number one. They’ve got a powerful memory. They know how to keep their shirt on in extremely stressful situations or under a lot of strain at work. Their reaction toward life is always with truth and optimism.
SALT (2-21/6)
People who need to call other’s attention every step of the way, therefore they usually become crackpots. This could be a very negative attitude that might lead other to size them up wrong. Very skilful for languages, they usually speak two or three languages fluently. They express themselves admirably and elegantly, they are fond of literature and often they are top-rated writers.
CORN (22/6-11/7)
Extremely snoopy and skilful enough to ferret out any information through their shrewd ways and ruses. Very handsome, a feature that helps them to strike their lucky star and have scores of love affairs in the course of their entire lifetimes. As upbeat as anyone can be, they’re always sought after by their friends in search of their good advise.
PARTIES (12-31/7)
Joyful, jaunty, upbeat people for who friendship is the name of the game. Friends can count on them unconditionally, a reason why they always have someone by their side in times of trouble. Seducing people who like being looked up at by others. They resort to flirting tricks all the time.
FIRE (1-20/8)
Generous people of good feelings who need the love and affection of the others. Self-confidence helps them to succeed in whatever enterprise they set aim at. They can’t bear biting the dust. Extremely ambitious, once they climb on the saddle they are grateful and pitch a hand to all those who acted with them in exactly the same way.
HOMELAND (21/8-9/9)
Faithful people you can count on in any situation in life, no matter how hard or complicated it might be. Realistic and practical beings who can’t be duped so easily. Perfection is one of their keywords and need to be taken seriously.
People blessed with an exquisite sensitivity who make them cry very easily. Their sense of humour is very powerful and they always keep a smile on their faces and a nice word in their lips. They behaviour can’t be any kinder. They’re wise and bend over backward in life to reach their goals.
MOUNTAIN (30/9-19/10)
People of great solidarity who pleasantly share what they’ve got. Great personal magnetism that exerts a powerful influence on those around them, despite they may not be that handsome. Excellent sense of humour, yet they really brave it out when they are annoyed. In a situation like that they usually act by jumps and starts, and violence overtakes them.
HUNTING (20/10-8/11)
Original people with a funny answer always in the tip of their tongues. Their minds are as sharp as steel straps. They know what their chances really are and usually bear a grudge. They are never willing to give more than they can really offer. Enviable will power and never get carried away with any circumstance or vice.
FEATHERS (9-28/11)
People of great spirituality they need to feed all the time. They take decisions no matter how hard they might be. They like intellectual works in which they can let their skill flow and succeed. They are ready to pitch a hand to those needing help. They hardly find reciprocity to their humane and fair acts by those they have helped in the past.
RAIN (29/11-18/12)
Spontaneous, extrovert who can’t hardly ever express anything other than their inner feelings. There can’t be no thorns in their sides. Hardworking in life, they always know how to reach their goals and clear all hurdles. They’ve got the magic to cope with things in life.
STARS (19/12-7/1)
Well-balanced people who know how to get off scot-free and keep their anxiety or nervousness under control. They irradiate peace and calmness to those around them. You can’t hardly ever make them get their Irish up. Deep and practical thinking, self-critic and people of profound reflections. Unconditional friends indeed who can’t stand betrayal.
GROWTH (8/1-1/2)
Great working capacity with manual works. They enjoy doing long works, especially when they’re being well paid. Honest people who hate deceit. Prudence is one of their virtues, they think every step they take and they seldom make mistakes.

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