On 2023 Saturday January 21st, opening at 18:00hrs, with works by twenty-four artists coming from different countries of the world. It is about embroidery, as expressive art language, the common figure of all works on display.
Long considered a minor art, a craft practice, or a pastime for society ladies, Embroidery has represented far too long for generations of women over the span of centuries, the possible given medium to personal or collective instances in the absence of other means of communication as well as, and not rarely, the only possibility to process creative industriousness.
Its syntaxis flexibility still makes it suitable for an immersion in everyday life of which it investigates both the domestic dimension together with the public one, transmuting into an alternative language to divulge the present. The exhibition presents works of Luciana Aironi, Rufina Bazlova and Sofia Tocar (STITCHIT Collective), Manuela Bieri, Tanja Boukal, Beryl Cameron, Susanna Cati, Cenzo Cocca, Loredana Galante, Anneke Klein, Alicja Kozlowska, Christelle Lacombe, Linda Lasson, Katrina Leitena, Clara Luiselli, Ilaria Margutti, Laura Mega, Lucia Bubilda Nanni, Maria Ortega Galvez, Sonia Piscicelli IZN, Francesca Rossello, Du Songyi, Beatrice Speranza, Litli Ulfur, Melissa Zexter.
Clare Hunter, in her essay The threads of life, has traced a broad historical excursus starting from the Bayex tapestry, passing through Mary Queen of Scots, up to the shawls of the Plaza de Mayo mothers or the arpilleras denunciating Chilean regime, testifying how transversal to social classes, in times and latitudes, highlighting its communicative and celebratory figure, its narrative, its popular and therapeutic function.
Commencing within these principles the exhibition is born, and, as the title “Notes on this time” states, it is about an investigation of our time, its contradictions, victories and defeats; a story entrusted to needle and thread and returned to the observer through the talent of artists committed to exploring lights and shadows, facing the challenges and analyzing nuances. Embroidery becomes, stitch after stitch, the lexicon that gives voice to contemporaneity from a viewpoint external to the reality around us.
CasermArcheologica was generated by women lovers of art in all its forms of expression, in 2013. It introduces itself as path of urban regeneration based on culture and redevelopment of the former Carabinieri Barracks of Sansepolcro (AREZZO province, Tuscany) inside Palazzo Muglioni, a noble building in the historic center of Sansepolcro. The space is dedicated to contemporary art, artistic residencies, not only artistic training but also humanistic and scientific, offers to the citizens a place of active participation, of active citizenship. It has hosted and promoted the work of national and international artists, participated to the Biennale di Architettura di Venezia 2018.
Merging with ERASMUS PROJECT +C6
C6 – Creativity, Culture and Collaboration to Combat Climate Change is the two-year Erasmus+ program in which the CasermArcheologica Association is engaged, together with five other European partners such as Norsk klimanettverk (Norway), People Of 2050 (Denmark), SixtyEight Art Institute (Denmark), Earthbanc (Sweden) and Worldview Impact Foundation (England), with the coordination of the consulting and fundraising agency BASE3.
WHERE CasermArcheologica, Via Aggiunti 55, Sansepolcro, AR (Tuscany)
WHEN 21 January – 15 April
AT WHAT TIME Mon-Fri 15:00-18:00; Sat 16:00-19:00; Sunday closed
INFO www.casermarcheologica.it | casermarcheologica@gmail.com

Worked in cinema Industry as main field of work activity since graduation till maternity, both in Rome than Budapest.
Overall positions covered: production secretary, production assistant, stylist, production coordinator, director’s assistant, producer assistant, personal assistant to dearest Virna Lisi.
Begun in Rome at Mario Mazzarotto’s Intelfilm with Director Marco Puccioni; then several years in Budapest, first at Strawberry Films as Italian Market Developer; Aron Sipos, Focus Film, where also Producer Assistant, she mainly realized some of her working life strongest dreams and intentions; back in Rome Executive Secretary to Dott. Angelo Rizzoli at Rizzoli Audiovisivi Ltd.
Cristiana is inclined to elegance of substance and form, to mystic law and irony.