Here is the recipe for extraordinary health: fruit for breakfast, lunch and dinner, with a salad and some snacks after a giant fruit salad in the evening.
A low fat rawfood can not work otherwise, since vegetables contain few calories and nuts or seeds have an average of 75% fat.
The goal is to get to eat even 80% of the total calories in the form of carbohydrate (ie fruit, for raw food) and not more than 10% in the form of proteins and fats.
Consume more than 10% of calories from protein sources leads to low energy levels, acidosis, and toxemia, revealing over time is a recipe for arthritis, cancer and many other problems. More than 10% of calories from fat sources, however, leads to diabetes and other diseases is not desirable. On average, with the traditional Mediterranean diet, Italian assume 55% of their calories from carbohydrates (bread, pasta, etc..), 15% from protein and 30% from fat! More than three times the limit recommended by a low fat rawfood diet. Each animal in nature has been prepared to eat a certain food, and even humans are predisposed to feed us with specific foods. These foods are mainly fruits, the most flavorful food on the planet, and green leaves. A low fat rawfood diet is based on consumption of fruit and small amounts of other vegetables, nuts and seeds. No products of animal origin.
No industrial product. No cooked food. Counting calories at the beginning of your journey, it is extremely useful to help you understand what your calorie needs. Add to list everything you eat and try to learn how many calories you need to feel good and satisfied every day, but then forget the math! Eating healthy is not mathematics. And learn to feel good and to be happy, in harmony with other sentient beings on the planet and taking care of the environment. Drinking green smoothies can help you to maintain the raw lifestyle and to avoid eating tons of salad every night. You can prepare one simply blending different bananas and a big handful of green leaves with a little water.
What else to eat? Have you ever tried a mango and oranges smoothie for breakfast? How about a watermelon for lunch, and grape pizzutella for dinner?
All animal species have a mono-meals diet, a single food per meal; it is not necessary to integrate each nutrient every time you eat! High-calorie foods such as bananas (an average of 100 calories each) can help us to make this lifestyle.
Most of the Asian people eat rice at every meal, there’s nothing wrong then to eat up to 10 bananas for lunch. Following a low fat raw food diet can help people prevent and cure many health problems such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. The reason is that this diet, natural to the human being, puts the physical body in optimal condition for their healing.
The benefits of a raw food lifestyle overall health most exceptional vitality, sense of well being and euphoria, greater energy, mental clarity and ability to concentrate, lighter body, restful sleep, rapid digestion and elimination.
Where to eat raw food in Rome
Rome are springing up like mushrooms opportunities for healthy eating and embrace the raw food lifestyle. Although limited raw food restaurants (and maybe that’s a good thing, because the recipes laden with fat that usually appear in the menu), there are many other places to find smoothies, juices, but also fresh fruit and salads. Here are the best I know. If you know of other local, well comments below this article..
Urban Juice – U.Juice
Urban Juice offers an exquisite selection of smoothies and many options for eating, not necessarily vegan.
Address: Via Boncompagni, 14, 00187 Roma
Hours:Open from Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 19:00, and on Saturday, 10:00 to 17:00
{google_map}Via Boncompagni, 14, 00187 Roma |show_info:yes|info_label:Label|link:yes{/google_map}
Vitaminas 24
At Vitaminas24, many smoothies and juices, with tropical fruit. Mixed menu to eat organic.
It was recently moved from Via Via Macerata in Ascoli Piceno. It also is no longer just a take away but also a bistro vegetarian and always organic.
Address: Via Ascoli Piceno 40, 00176 Roma, Italia
Phone: +39.331.2045535
Opening hours: every day from 10:00 to 24:00
{google_map}Via Ascoli Piceno 40, 00176 Rome Italy |show_info:yes|info_label:Label|link:yes{/google_map}
Ginger in Rome is a rather elegant bistro restaurant with a wide selection of smoothies, salads and centrifuges.
Hours: 10:00 am – 1:00 am
{google_map}Via Borgognona, 43-44, 00187 Roma |show_info:yes|info_label:Label|link:yes{/google_map}
Quinto Ice Cream
Fifth is located next to Piazza Navona, E ‘an ice-cream shop that also makes smoothies, fruit salads and sorbets.
Address: Via Di Tor Millina 15, 00186 Roma
Phone: +39.06.6865657 – +39.347.7543221
Opening hours: from 10:00 am until 02:00 at night, every day, all year round, vacation in January
{google_map}Via Di Tor Millina 15, 00186 Roma |show_info:yes|info_label:Label|link:yes{/google_map}
Pascucci is a bar and a Frullateria very famous in Rome because of its fresh fruit smoothies.
{google_map}Via di Torre Argentina, 20, 00186 Roma |show_info:yes|info_label:Label|link:yes{/google_map}
The famous chain of ice-cream shop has opened today than 6 outlets in Rome.
You can find fruit sorbets, granitas and shakes.
Here‘s the link to the stores in Rome:
Edited by Laura and Mark (Staff Health & Raw)
For further information and giveaways on the low fat raw food diet visit:

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