National Museum of the Early Middle Ages (Museo Nazionale dell’Alto Medioevo)
Area: Eur
Address: Viale Lincoln, 3. Tel. 06-54228199
Price: euro 2.07
Opening hours: 9am-8pm; closed on Mon
Description: This museum contains archaeological material from excavations and collections belonging to the period spanning from late antiquity to the height of the Middle Ages (4th-13th centuries).

Museum of Jewish Art (Museo di Arte Ebraica)
Area: Ghetto
Address: Synagogue, Lungotevere dei Cenci. Tel. 06-68400661
Price: euro 5.16
Opening hours: 9am-4:30pm; Fri 9am-1:30pm; Sun 9am-12 closed on Sat and Jewish holidays
Description: Numerous and interesting objects connected with the Jewish religion (vast documentation on Nazi persecution).

National Gallery of Ancient Art at Palazzo Barberini (Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica a Palazzo Barberini)
Area: Barberini
Address: Via Barberini, 18. Tel. 06-4824184
Price: euro 6.20
Opening hours: 9am-7pm; closed on Mon; it is advisable to book the visit to the 18th-century apartment, tel: 06-328101
Description: The building was designed by Maderno and finished by Bernini. The ceiling of the central hall is decorated with an allegorical painting by Pietro da Cortona. On exhibit 12th- to 18th-century paintings, furniture, majolica, and porcelains.

National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art (Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea)
Area: Flaminio
Address: Viale delle Belle Arti, 131. Tel. 06-322981
Price: euro 6.20; booking: 06-3234000
Opening hours: 8.30am-7pm; Sun 9am-8pm; closed on Mon
Description: The greatest collection of paintings, sculptures, and prints(most of them by Italian artists) dating from the 1800s up to the present.

Copernican Astronomy Museum (Museo Astronomico Copernicano)
Area: Monte Mario
Address: Viale Parco Mellini, 84. Tel. 06-347056
Opening hours: Wed and Sat 9.30am-12am only by appointment
Description:Collection of ancient instruments illustrating the evolution of research in the field of astronomy.

Borghese Museum and Gallery (Museo e Galleria Borghese )
Area: Pinciano
Address: Piazzale del Museo Borghese. Tel. 06-8417645
Price: euro 7.23
Opening hours: 9am-7pm; closed on Mon; advance booking strongly recommended tel: 06-328101; entrance granted to a limited number of persons every two hours
Description: In the recently and splendidly restored villa (1613-14) masterpieces by Bernini, Canova, Caravaggio, Titian, Rubens, and other outstanding artists are displayed.

Museum of the Casina delle Civette (Museo della Casina delle Civette)

Area: Nomentana
Address: Villa Torlonia – Via Nomentana, 70. Tel. 06-44250072
Price: euro 2.58
Opening hours: winter 9am-5pm; summer 9am-7pm; closed on Monday
Description: A fanciful building on the grounds of Villa Torlonia with several splendid Art-Nouveau polychrome leaded glass windows produced between 1908 and 1930.

National Museum of Sant’Angelo Castle (Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant’Angelo)
Area: Prati
Address: Lungotevere Castello; tel: 06-6819111
Price: euro 5.16
Opening hours: 9am-7pm; closed on Mon
Description: Built by the emperor Adriano as a mausoleum for himself and his successors, Castel Sant’Angelo was later transformed into a fortress and then into a prison. Today it holds an important art and military museum.

Colonna Gallery (Galleria Colonna)
Area: Corso
Address: Via della Pilotta, 17. Tel. 06-6784350
Price: euro 5.16
Opening hours: Sun. 9am-1pm; closed in August. On written request, tours of the gallery and private apartments are allowed every day, including August
Description: Holds the collection of Italian and foreign art of the Colonna family: works by Melozzo da Forlì, Veronese, Palma il Vecchio, Tintoretto, Guercino.

Criminology Museum (Museo Criminologico)
Area: Campo de’ Fiori
Address: Via del Gonfalone, 29; tel: 06-68300234
Price: euro 2.07
Opening hours: Tue-Sat 9am-1pm; Tue Thur also 2:30pm-6:30; closed on Mon and holidays
Description: The collections illustrate the history of crime and criminology with sections devoted to torture, capital punishment, criminal anthropology and the history of modern prisons.

Doria Pamphili Gallery (Galleria Doria Pamphili)
Area: Corso
Address: Piazza del Collegio Romano, 2; tel: 06-6797323
Price: euro 7.23 with audio guides
Opening hours: 10am-5pm; closed on Thu
Description: One of the most important private art collections, consisting of paintings and sculptures by Italian and foreign artists: Velasquez, Tiziano, Bernini, Caravaggio, Andrea del Sarto.

Keats-Shelley Memorial House
Area: Spagna
Address: Piazza di Spagna, 26. Tel. 06-6784235
Price: euro 2.58
Opening hours: Tue-Fri 9am-1pm and 3pm-6pm; Sat 11am-2pm and 3pm-6pm; closed on Sun.
Description: Autograph documents of the English Romantic poets Keats, Shelley, and Byron.

Napoleonic Museum (Museo Napoleonico)
Area: Vittorio Emanuele
Address: Piazza Ponte Umberto I, 1. Tel. 06-68806-286
Price: euro 2.58
Opening hours: 9am-7pm; Sun 9am-1:30pm; closed on Monday
Description: The museum retraces the story of the Bonaparte family, from the last decades of the 18th century ending with the Second Empire.

Botanical Gardens (Orto Botanico)
Area: Gianicolo
Address: Largo Cristina di Svezia, 24 (Villa Corsini). Tel. 06-49917107
Opening hours: 9.30am-5.30pm (Winter), 9.30am-6.30pm; closed on Sun and Mon and in August
Price: euro 2.07
Description: One of the most important Italian botanical gardens for extension and number of species. Special itinerary for the blind.

National Gallery of Palazzo Corsini (Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Corsini)
Area: Trastevere
Address: Via della Lungara, 10. Tel. 06-68802323
Price: euro 4.13
Opening hours: 8.30am-7pm; closed on Mon
Description: Seat of the Arcadian Academy of Queen Christine of Sweden, the Gallery contains Roman finds of the Imperial age as well as 16th and 17th century paintings.

Museum of Palazzo Venezia (Museo di Palazzo Venezia)
Area: Corso
Address: Via del Plebiscito, 118. Tel. 06-69994318
Price: euro 4.13
Opening hours: 8.30am-7.30pm; closed on Mon
Description: 13th to 18th century paintings, marble sculptures, tapestries, wood carvings, bronzes, terracotta pieces, pottery and windows.

National Pasta Museum (Museo Nazionale delle Paste Alimentari)
Area: Tritone
Address: Piazza Scanderbeg, 117. Tel. 06-6991119
Opening hours: 9.30am-5.30pm
Price: euro 7.75
Description: Utensils and objects documenting the history of pasta, from the Etruscans to the present day.

Burcardo Library and Theatre Collection (Biblioteca e Raccolta Teatrale del Burcardo)
Area: Argentina
Address: Via del Sudario, 44. Tel. 06-6819471
Opening hours: 9am-1.30pm
Price: free entrance
Description: Famous library with over 40,000 volumes.

Museum of Italian Risorgimento (Museo del Risorgimento)
Area: Fori
Address: Via San Pietro in Carcere. Tel. 06-67806-64
Price: free entrance
Opening hours: 10am-6pm; closed on Mon
Description: Partially closed for restoration. At the moment only the Brasini section can be visited. It collects paintings, sculptures and drawings related to the Italian History from the Risorgimento to The First World War.

Museum of Rome (Museo di Roma)
Area: Vittorio Emanuele
Address: Palazzo Braschi, Piazza San Pantaleo, 10; tel: 06-82077304
Price: euro 6.20; reduced euro 3.10
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 9am-7pm; close on Mon
Description: The Museum contains around 40,000 pieces including sculptures, paintings, marble pieces and mosaics dating from the Middle Ages to 1870.

Folklore Museum (Museo di Roma in Trastevere)
Area: Trastevere
Address: Piazza S. Egidio, 1/b. Tel. 06-5816563
Opening hours: 9.30am-8pm; closed on Mon
Price: euro 2.58
Description: Original documents and reconstruction of environments illustrate the everyday life of Rome in the last centuries of papal power.

Spada Gallery (Galleria Spada)
Area: Campo de’ Fiori
Address: Piazza Capo di Ferro, 13. Tel. 06-6874893
Opening hours: 8.30am-7.30pm; on holidays 8.30am-6.30pm; closed on Mon
Price: euro 5.16; reduced euro 2.50
Description: The Galleria Spada is housed in the palace having the same name and holds works by important artists, mainly of the 17th century.

Historic Museum of the Liberation of Rome (Museo Storico della Liberazione di Roma)
Area: Monti
Address: Via Tasso, 145. Tel. 06-7003866
Price: free entrance
Opening hours: Tue Thu Fri 10am-12:30pm and 4pm-7pm; Wed 10am-12:30pm; Sat Sun 9:30am-12:30pm; closed on Mon
Description: The building was once the headquarters of the SS Kommandantur, where members of the Roman Resistance were interrogated, tortured, and imprisoned.

National Historic Museum of the Medical Arts (Museo Storico Nazionale dell’Arte Sanitaria)
Area: Prati
Address: Lungotevere in Sassia, 3. Tel. 06-68352353
Price: euro 2.58
Opening hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am-12pm
Description: Curiosities of the medical arts from the Roman age up to the present day, ex-votos, surgical instruments.

Vatican History Museum (Museo Storico Vaticano)
Area: San Giovanni
Address: Palazzo Apostolico Lateranense – Piazza di San Giovanni in Laterano. Tel. 06-9884947
Price: euro 3.10
Opening hours: Sat 9.30am, 11am, 12am, 3pm; first Sun of the month 8.45am-1pm
Description: In the museum, collections of weapons and two sections on the iconography of the Popes and Papal Ceremonial.

Museum of Musical Instruments of Santa Cecilia National Academy (Museo Strumentale dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia)
Area: Prati
Address: Via della Conciliazione, 4. Tel. 06-328171
Price: free entrance
Opening hours: 10am-6pm
Description: The collection includes 255 musical instruments. Noteworthy the Stradivari violin of 1690.

Museum of Musical Instruments (Museo degli Strumenti Musicali)
Area: San Giovanni
Address: Piazza S. Croce in Gerusalemme, 9/a. Tel. 06-7014796
Price: euro 2.07
Opening hours: 8.30am-7.30pm; closed on Mon
Description: A collection of instruments of great historic value, which belonged to tenor Evan Gorga and to Benedetto Marcello.

Torquato Tasso Museum (Museo di Torquato Tasso)
Area: Gianicolo
Address: Piazza Sant’Onofrio, 2. Tel. 06-6828121
Opening hours:
Price: free entrance. Groups only by appointment
Description: Housed in the convent where the poet died, it contains ancient editions of his works and other memoirs.

Vatican Museums (Musei Vaticani)
Area: Prati
Address: Viale Vaticano. Tel. 06-69884947
Price: euro 9.30, reduced euro 6.20; free of charge on the last Sunday of each month
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8.45am-1.45pm January, February, November and December, 8.45am-4.45pm March to October; Sat 8.45am-1.45pm; closed on Sun, January 1st and 6th, February 11th, March 19th, Easter Monday, May 1st, June 29th, August 14th and 15th, November 1st, and December 8th, 25th and 26th, and on other religious holidays (visitors allowed in until 1 hour before closing time)
Description: One of the most important museum complexes in the world, the Vatican Museums are divided into numerous splendidly arranged sections containing masterpieces by the greatest artists, which were collected or commissioned by Popes down through the centuries. At the end of the itinerary is the Sistine Chapel with the marvellous Michelangelo’s Last Judgment.

Other Museums and Galleries

Accademia romana di arte e danza
Area: Trionfale
Address: Via Trionfale 6.700. Tel. 06-35497776
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10am–7pm

Associazione culturale Arte in Transito
Area: Portuense
Address: Via E. Bombelli 22. Tel. 06-77205774
Opening hours: Wed-Fri 5.30pm – 7.30pm

Associazione d’arte e cultura il Politico
Area: Campo de’ Fiori
Address: Via dei Banchi Vecchi 135. Tel. 06-6832574
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 4pm–8pm

Area: Fontana di Trevi
Address: Via della Stamperia 6. Tel. 06-699801
Opening hours: Mon-Sun 10am–7pm

Chiostro del Bramante
Area: Navona
Address: Via dell’Arco della Pace 5
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 10am-8pm; Sat 10am-12pm

Complesso del San Michele a Ripa Grande
Area: Trastevere
Address: Via di San Michele 25. Tel. 06-5810424
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 10am-7.30pm

2RC Edizioni d’Arte
Area: Trastevere
Address: Via delle Mantellate 15/A. Tel. 06-6868878
Opening hours: Tue-Sat 10am-1pm/4pm-8pm

Galleria A.A.M
Area: Corso
Address: Via del Vantaggio 12. Tel. 06-3219151
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 10am-1pm/4pm-8pm

Galleria Acta International
Area: Cavour
Address: Via Panisperna, 83. Tel. 06-4742005
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 4pm-7.30pm

Galleria Artemare
Area: Camilluccia
Address: Via dell’Acqua traversa 247. Tel. 06-3313773
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 10am-1pm/4pm-7pm

Galleria Ca’ d’ Oro
Area: P.zza di Spagna
Address: Piazza di Spagna, 81. Tel. 06-6797550
Opening hours: Tue-Sat 10am-1pm /4pm-7.30pm; open on Monday morning

Galleria di Piazza Colonna
Area: Fontana di Trevi
Address: Via di Santa Maria in Via. Tel. 06-6781174
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 10am-8pm

Galleria Edieuropa
Area: Parioli
Address: Viale Bruno Buozzi, 64. Tel. 06-3220555
Opening hours: Tue-Sat 11am-1pm/5pm-8pm

Galleria Elios
Area: Flaminio
Address: Viale Pinturicchio 214. Tel. 06-3232139
Opening hours: Tue-Sat 11am-1pm/5pm-8pm

Galleria Francese
Area: Navona
Address: Piazza Navona 65. Tel. 06-6868690
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 1pm-8pm

Galleria Giulia
Area: Campo de’ Fiori
Address: Via Giulia 148. Tel. 06.6542061
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 10am-1pm/4pm-8pm

Galleria il Gabbiano
Area: Corso
Address: Via della Frezza 51. Tel. 06-3227049
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 10am-1pm/4.30pm-7.30pm

Galleria il Narciso
Area: Corso
Address: Via Luarina 26. Tel. 06-3207700
Opening hours: Tue-Sat 10.30am-1pm/4pm-7.30pm

Galleria il Segno
Area: Spagna
Address: Via Capo le Case 4. Tel. 06-6791387
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 10.30am-1pm/5pm-7.30pm Closed on Monday morning and Saturday afternoon

Galleria la nuova Pesa
Area: Corso
Address: Via del Corso 530. Tel. 06-3610892
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 4pm-8pm

Galleria la Vetrata
Area: Trieste
Address: Via Tagliamento, 4. Tel. 06-8810393
Opening hours: Tue-Sat 10am-1pm/4.30pm-7.30pm

Galleria Mascherino
Area: Borgo Pio
Address: Via del Mascherino 24. Tel. 06-68803280
Opening hours: Tue-Sat 4.30pm-7.30pm

Galleria Pino Casagrande
Area: San Lorenzo
Address: Via degli Ausoni 7°. Tel. 06-7008691
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 5pm-8pm

Galleria Sala 1
Area: San Giovanni
Address: Piazza di Porta San Giovanni, 10. Tel. 06-7008691
Opening hours: Tue-Sat 5pm-8pm

Galleria S.A.L.E.S
Area: Gianicolo
Address: Via San Francesco di Sales, 16/A. Tel. 06-6880612
Opening hours: Tue-Sat 4pm-8pm

Galleria Spazio Blu
Area: Trastevere
Address: Via Garibaldi 53-54. Tel. 06-5809658
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 5pm-9pm

Galleria Textilia
Area: Spagna
Address: Via Margutta 8. Tel. 06-3216540
Opening hours: Tue-Sat 10am-1pm/3.30pm-7.30pm

Galleria Vittoria
Area: Spagna
Address: Via Margutta 103. Tel. 06-3216540
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 4.30pm-8pm; Sat-Sun 10am-1pm/4.30pm-8pm

Istituto giapponese di Cultura
Area: San Lorenzo
Address: Via degli Ausoni, 1 06-4469269/06-4464055
Opening hours: lun-dom 10-13/16-22

La Gallerietta
Area: Corso
Address: Via di San Marcello, 42. Tel. 06-6784174
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9am-1pm/3.30pm-6pm; Sat 9.30-12.30am

Museo del Corso
Area: Corso
Address: Via del Corso 320
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 10am-7.30pm; Tue-Thu 10am-10.30pm

Palazzo delle Esposizioni
Area: Nazionale
Address: Via Nazionale 194
Opening hours: Wed-Sun 10am-9pm

Palazzo Ruspoli – Fondazione Memmo
Area: Corso
Address: Via del Corso, 418 Tel. 06-6874704
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 9.30am-7pm; Sat 9.30am-8pm

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The Rome Central - Italy in the world  editorial staff consists of freelance editors, journalists, photographers, filmmakers, doctors, writers, video-makers, supporters, poets, writers, actors, singers and many friends. RomeCentral is a Magazine completely no-profit , whoever writes in this magazine does his job without any commercial pressure. NB: No people in Rome Central, from managers to employees etc .., receive any type of compensation. The love for the free journalism repays all our efforts.

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