Gambero Rosso and AmaCalabria in 10 days of music and drama in the most beautiful or simply the loneliest places in the lametino area, will unveil together, day by day, the various segments that make up the first digital guide to Calabria, second in the South only to Puglia, which will be completed and available online from the closing day of the festival, 16 October: a choice that underlines how historical and landscape beauties are made even more fascinating and attractive thanks to performing arts, and how the wine and food culture of a territory is an inescapable part of the material and immaterial heritage of its potential talent.
Therefore, an all-round cultural operation in favour of one of the territories most affected by the pandemic and the consequent disintegration of social activities.
AmaCalabria starts again, after a year’s interruption, with the 43rd edition opened exceptionally by a real festival of music, drama and dance, which will set to music every symbolic place of the beauty of the little-known Lamezia Terme, starting from the two historical theatres of the city, which have been silent for too long, and for the occasion will present to the territory international stars of the calibre of Misha Maisky and Shlomo Mintz.
Moreover, thanks to the extraordinary collaboration with Gambero Rosso and the ZEN Impatto Zero project, the 45 art events from 7 to 16 October will become opportunities to reflect on Calabrian excellence and the need to protect a fragile territory.
The last two years have been troubled and sadly exceptional all over the world, especially in the territories chronically poorer in cultural and social offerings, but precisely in these areas of resistance to abandonment there are still those who find in the difficulties a stimulus to get out of the routine and dare beyond their boundaries of habit, with creativity, resourcefulness and willingness to experiment. This is the case of the AmaCalabria musical and theatrical season, one of the most active ever in an area that has historically been marginal compared to the major Italian and European cultural events and to the international tours of artists who represent the status quo of art excellence in the world today, who in our country rarely come down south and certainly never to Calabria.
After the episode of the concert event of Ivo Pogorelich in June, for the first time in Calabria in his long and glorious career, AMACalabria finally wants to give a sign of continuity to the whole audience, offering a rich calendar until December ’21, opened by this first and precious taste festival, full of 45 events, and especially designed to support and disseminate the territory in its entirety, including the food and wine sector through collaboration with Gambero Rosso for the creation of the second digital guide of southern Italy: “‘Calabria 2020 – The best addresses of the Region’.
Therefore, in conjunction with concerts in traditional or unusual places, with musical walks to discover the most hidden corners of the city, Lamezia Terme will see the web guide of the whole of Calabria being built live, event after event, as the results of the expert Gambero Rosso jury will be communicated to the public at each individual event for each food and wine segment, before being published online.
Moreover, thanks to the collaboration with ZEN Impatto Zero of the SviluppUmbria Company with the support of the European Community, AmaCalabria will guarantee its public and its guests a sustainable festival to protect its territory and the health of its citizens, in perfect harmony with the idea of culture as an essential support of the living society, which animates the event and in the first row its Artistic Director President Francescantonio Pollice.
The festival venues will truly involve the entire Lametino territory without aesthetic distinctions, for a horizontal sharing of the founding values of musical and artistic civilisation, first among which is listening, to overcome together the long months, almost two years, of cultural and consequently social silence.
The central core of this 43rd edition of MusicAmaCalabria, delayed for too long not only by the pandemic, but also by the ongoing dispute with the Region of Calabria, drives the entire event, centring on its first aim: to reverse the sad tradition of artistic silence and cultural marginality with respect to international musical civilisation, revitalising the historic theatres of Lamezia Terme and reminding the community of their function as social headmasters. This artistic and ethical project will be possible thanks to the presence of iconic artists of the world music scene, such as Gerhard Oppitz, Misha Maisky and Shlomo Mintz, as well as solid voices of the best Italian prose such as Violante Placido and Gabriele Lavia; international productions such as Noches de Buenos Aires by Tango Rouge Company and co-productions of the same AMA Calabria as the Homage to Fellini with the Camerata Strumentale di Prato and CIDIM. Not forgetting the rare programme for two pianos with Liszt’s transcription of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony performed by two true pillars of Italian pianism, Bruno Canino and Antonio Ballista, partners in art for half a century, the ensemble of Nello Salza, first trumpet soloist of the best European orchestras, for years devoted to transcriptions of film music, here engaged in a tribute to Ennio Morricone, and the recital of the bel canto soprano Carmela Remigio, a name of international importance and voice chosen by great conductors such as Claudio Abbado, Daniel Harding, Lorin Maazel, Antonio Pappano, Gustavo Dudamel.
These appointments will be flanked by many other diffuse events of performed art and it is worth mentioning the productive effort for the Fellini project Ama in collaboration with Camerata Musicale di Prato and CIDIM, which strengthens the rare links between Calabrian creativity and the rest of the country.
The entire festival, which is also supported by ITALO Treno, whose customers will receive a 10% discount on tickets to the shows, is therefore intended as a whole to be an invitation to rediscover a less vulgar Mediterranean culture and a narrative of Calabria that goes beyond all clichés.
On the eve of this long-awaited and deeply troubled restart, Artistic Director Francescantonio Pollice says: “This is a very complex project that is unique for our region where, for the first time, such an ambitious and articulated programme is organised over ten days. It is a project that goes beyond music, theatre and dance and aims to promote a new image of Calabria by enhancing the tangible and intangible assets in which it is rich. Our aim is to contribute to the social, cultural and economic recovery of the territory also through the placement in Mastroianni Park in Lamezia Terme of five sculptures created by the artist Maurizio Carnevali on the themes of the festival as a tangible sign of a new urban decorum.
We therefore invite all those who are sensitive to art to come to our welcoming region, anticipating that, after the festival, new important concerts have been scheduled involving, among others, the Orchestra of Padua and Veneto conducted by Marco Angius with the violinist Anna Tifu as soloist, Stefano Bollani, Valentina Lisitsa, Uto Ughi with the Accademia di Santa Sofia and Paolo Fresu”.
43rd MusicAmaCalabria calendar
7 – 16 October 2021 The ten concerts at the theatre Theatres Grandinetti and Costabile h 21.00
Thursday 7 October 2021
Violante Placido, reciting voice – Davide Alogna, violin – Giuseppe Gullotta, piano
in For Elisa
Friday 8 October 2021
Gerhard Oppitz, piano
Saturday 9 October 2021
Tango Rouge Company
Sunday 10 October 2021
cellist Misha Maisky accompanied by Lily Maisky
Monday 11 October 2021
Camerata Strumentale di Prato conducted by Bruno Moretti
in Homage to Federico Fellini on the centenary of his birth
co-production AMA Calabria – Camerata Strumentale di Prato – CIDIM
Tuesday 12th October 2021
Carmela Remigio, soprano
Wednesday 13 october 2021
Piano duo Bruno Canino – Antonio Ballista – Homage to Ludwig van Beethoven
perform Beethoven’s 9th Symphony in Franz Liszt’s transcription for 2 pianos
Thursday 14th October 2021*
Nello Salza Ensemble – Tribute to Ennio Morricone
Friday 15th October 2021
Recital by Gabriele Lavia
Saturday 16 October 2021
Duo Shlomo Mintz, violin – Itamar Golan, piano
Eight chamber concerts at the
San Domenico Monumental Complex
5 pm
Friday 8 October 2021
Marco Ciampi, piano
Saturday 9 October 2021
Duo Giambattista Ciliberti, clarinet – Piero Rotolo, piano
Sunday 10 october 2021
Duo Federico Paci, clarinet – Tatiana Vratonijc, piano
Monday 11 October 2021
Duo Giorgia Teodoro, soprano – Luigi Stillo, piano
Tuesday 12 October 2021
Duo Eugenio Leggiadri Gallani, bass – Maria Gabriella Orlando, piano
Wednesday 13 October 2021
Giorgio Costa, piano
Thursday 14th October 2021
Stanislao Giacomantonio, piano
Saturday 16 October 2021
Duo Katia Ghigi, violin – Michele Rossetti, piano
Seventeen concerts at the Terme Caronte
Thursday 7 October 2021
Diego Cambareri, guitar – 9.30 a.m.
Duo Pitros – Luigi Santo, trumpet – Daniela Gentile, piano – 11.00 a.m.
Friday, 8 October 2021
Ferruccio Messinese, classic piano bar in jazz style – 11 am
Saturday, 9 October 2021
Gabriel Giannotti, piano – 9.30 am
Duo Roberto Noferini, violin – Donato D’Antonio, guitar – 11 am
Monday, October 11, 2021
Duo Federico Paci, clarinet Tatiana Vratonijc, piano – 9,30 am
Gabriele Ferrante, cello – 11 am
Tuesday, 12th October 2021
Letizia Sansalone, piano – 9.30 am
Duo Vincenzo Virgillo, clarinet – Anna Lucia Trimboli, piano – 11,00 am
Wednesday 13 october 2021
Duo Giuseppe Nese, flute – Maria Gabriella Orlando, piano – 9,30 am
Duo Riccardo Zamuner, violin – Maria Sbeglia, piano – 11,00 a.m.
Thursday, 14 October 2021
Percussion Duo Egidio Palagano – Giuseppe Maiorana – 9.30 am
Dario Callà, piano – 11 am
Friday, 15 October 2021
Alberto Capuano, piano – 9.30 am
Duo Lorenzo Parisi, violin – Giuseppe Maiorca, piano – 11.00 am
Saturday, 16th October 2021
Duo Katia Ghigi, violin – Michele Rossetti, piano – 9.30 am
Duo Alessio Benvenuti, violin – Fabiana Barbini, piano – 11.00 a.m.
The two afternoon concerts at the Franco Costabile Theatre
5 pm
Thursday 7 October 2021
Duo percussion Antonio Argantino – Alessandro D’Amico
Friday 8 october 2021
Chiara D’Andrea Ensemble
Unioncamere Hall Concert
Friday 15 october 2021
Luciano Pompilio, guitar
6.30 p.m.
Two concerts in the churches
Ancillae Domini Gregorian Choir Felicia Di Salvo, director
Sunday 10 October
Church of San Giovanni Battista – Sant’Eufemia Vetere – 6 p.m.
Wednesday 13th October 2021
Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Thorn – Bella di Nicastro – 19.00 hours
Celebrations for Raffaello Sanzio
production CIDIM
Friday 15 October 2021 Grandinetti Municipal Theatre h 10,00 & h 11,30
Simone Vallerotonda, lute
“A Cunicella”.
Courtyard Francesco Bevilacqua building Maggiore Perri
Friday 8 October 2021 – 10.30 am
Domenico Raso, accordion
Inauguration of Artistic Installations
Felice Mastroianni River Park
Sunday 10 October 2021 – 11.30 a.m.
Nigun Clarinet Quartet
Three walks in the historic centres
Saturday 9th October 2021
Franco Costabile Walk
Departure from the Franco Costabile Theatre – 10.30 a.m.
Filippo D’Andrea, President of Cenacolo Filosofico di Lamezia Terme
Giovanni Chieffallo and Rosario Chieffallo, accordion
Atrium of the Costabile Theatre – 11,30 a.m.
Sunday 10th October 2021
Francesco Fiorentino Walk
Departure from Piazza Fiorentino – 6.30 p.m.
Vaglio Ferrucci The place of memory
Filippo D’Andrea, President of the Philosophical Cenacle of Lamezia Terme
Gabriele Corsaro, accordion
Vaglio Ferrucci The place of memory – 11.30 a.m.
Saturday 16 October 2021
Genus locii walk Torrente canne
Departure from the fountain behind the Norman Swabian Castle – 9,30 am
Francesco Bevilacqua, Environmentalist &
Giovanni Chieffallo and Rosario Chieffallo, accordion
*Traslated with Translator
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