Frustration, shame, sense of ineffectiveness are the feelings that can have a child with specific learning disorder in the absence of recognition of this disorder. This children are intelligent and therefore often reprimanded or punished by parents and teacher who mistake the disorder with mere laziness or for attention.
The specific learning disorders are diagnosed in the absence of neurological causes, auditory or visual impairments that may be due to the difficulty of emotional problems, a general developmental delay or mental retardation; involve the understanding of oral language, the linguistic expression, the skills of reading, writing and making calculations: dyslexia (reading), dysgraphia and dysorthography (writing), dyscalculia (calculation).
In Rome there is a reality which distinguishes itself for the quality of services offered in the field of Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities. We are talking about the Association Percorsi Evolutivi, which was at the XVI National Congress for AID held in Modena, on 2016 September 24 – 25 in occasion of the 5th All European Dyslexia Conference, the most important European meeting on Dyslexia, which saw the presence of experts in the field.
The topic addressed by Emanuela Baiocchi, President of the Association, concerned “ the start-up of an afterschool program specialized in Learning Disabilities: starting from an idea, a strong training and the realization of a dream…”
…Because ours has really been a dream come true , starting from a working class area such as Garbatella and thanks to the trust of a President, who believed in our project addressed to kids with Dyslexia and Specific Learnig Disabilities; today there are many of them, from different areas in Rome, which benefit from our services…
The achievement of the great results with the kids is above all, due to the high professionalism of the collaborators.. “our team of psychologists and pedagogists is in constant training in order to guarantee to parents and children a quality of excellence…”
Our presence at the Congress was a clear and esteemed recognition of the value of our job. It is a confirm to us that our project is one of the most successful experiences in the italian scenario…
Let’s take a step back. What support is given to these children? Why is it so functional with repercussions not only on the teaching side, but above all on the quality of life and self-esteem of these kids?
“Using the “afterschool” formula we structure “together” with every student “his path” towards “independence and the strengthening of a study method, allowing the acquisition of personalized strategies..”
Our goal is to create an area where to actively experience an effective approach to studying in a group environment which, through a reciprocal exchange, benefits the recognition and enrichment of it’s own qualities (social, creative and communicative..)”
In a network view, meetings with parents and teachers are periodically held so that everyone may work in a mutually supportive manner, maintaining the same important goal: studying in autonomy…”
Our association takes full charge of the family, starting from the learning assessments on to a specific work with kids and parents, throughout training in using compensatory instruments, not only in school but mostly at home, while performing homework tasks.
A.P.S. Percorsi Evolutivi
headquarters: Via Benedetto Croce, 49, 00142 Roma
TEL: +39 388 4094699
FAX: +39 06 92931604
ANSWERING MACHINE: 24/24: +39 06 92957691
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