Yoga has ar the horizon a very ambitious and fascinating project, the union if the individual with the universal himself; speaks to us, in fact – and above all -, the desire and the need of the ego to go beyond himself, beyond their limits; This is yoga: overcoming the ego in being.
You can start from very far from a simple curiosity, or a nagging back pain, the desire to alleviate a sense of fatigue or stress, but at some point, somewhere, unconsciously, in a manner always different and original , emerges under the awareness and something that has nothing to do with the reason that led to the practice, and here the problem of the self, can be heard, she asks listening.
An opening, beyond which lies the always unresolved mystery of Being and it is amazing how this journey towards themselves, towards the deepest part of us start right from the senses, from educating our body a perception thinner.
In yoga it says that “the self” is the limit and at the same time the half. Limit because the mental clouds our consciousness, what we really are, and it nails in the false belief that we are only what we do, that we are the social role and relationship that we cover. The middle because I accompanies us on this journey up to that gate beyond which we become more and more we can explore not the container but our deeper content.
The subject is hard, and even harder to be treated orally, because it is not a matter of philosophy or reasoning, but of experience, of “real life” (body, mind and spirit) and common words are too limited to be able to say , express lived so ineffable.
I do not have many claims: In this article I will only introduce a subject that affects us all, a theme of “borders”, I could say, or on the borders of our cultural horizon and psychic (to the West) towards the experience of yoga, the reunification of the ego with being.
The desire of human nature certainly regards the infinite, and at the same time our psyche has obvious limitations: how can a limited mind like our grasp and welcome the contact with the infinite?
And also, a man of the modern age, how he can accustomed to a frenetic lifestyle muting himself to cross the border that separates himself from the true Universal essence ?
Western man offers yoga as a tool in this fascinating journey to infinity: the body.
However, the ” error ” on which you stumble is to consider yoga as a simple exercise, a mere sport; we Westerners are brought, along the lines of the speed with which we conduct our daily lives, by stopping the movement of thought, engaging body and mind into something that can make us frantic escape the whirlwind of thoughts that too often assails our mind ; from here we have seen the proliferation of courses of various kinds in gyms, offering alongside the various courses, an adaptation more or less consistent with the spiritual path through the body that yoga offers of origins.
Paganization the ancient practice of yoga took place in recent decades in different forms like power yoga, bikram yoga, antigravity yoga, emphasizes spectacular body positions, but I would like for it to pass more vigorously an important message, namely what yoga is not touching the tips of the hands or feet in a fall extreme succeed in some kind of acrobatic pose, yoga is to touch your own limits, but with ease and firmness, without judgment, relaxing.
Through the Asanas (body positions) and breath control the practitioner educates the body not only listening to the senses, but to withdraw these in fact the correct execution of the asanas is entrusted to “feel” their bodies rather than see it with your eyes outside. This internalization directs our inner compass to a dimension beyond matter, beyond the mind, that is silenced silenced in motion and gradually in the stillness of the body, as if by magic during meditation, (stage and ultimate goal of the work practice on the mat) is dissolved, the breathing becomes thin and is allowed to flow without judgment so cumbersome ego, which is now far away, even if for a moment or so, won by something that is beyond us, embraces us and to which we we belong, we who are the manifest form of the mystery that is life beyond the boundaries of our thought patterns, ego a discrete witness is the space in silence and invites us to listen.
Insegnante di Hatha Yoga:
Giovanna Volpetti, Insegnante presso Chameleon.
Diploma quadriennale conseguito presso l’Università Scuola Vedanta di Roma riconosciuto dalla Federazione Mediterranea Yoga e dal Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione
Mission Associazione Chameleon – Language I Event I Culture
L’Associazione Culturale CHAMALEON Language | Event | Culture ha come obiettivi la diffusione e la promozione della lingua e della cultura, italiana ed straniera, in tutte le sue forme. Sensibilizza i soci verso cultura, qualificazione e miglioramento professionale, sociale e artistico attraverso l’organizzazione di eventi, corsididattici e per il tempo libero, corsi di lingue, gite e passeggiate turistiche,ripetizioni per tutte le materie, tandem linguistici e altro ancora.
Chameleon si propone di offrire attraverso una rete di convenzioni con altre associazioni culturali, una vasta gamma di possibilità e vantaggi, con sconti e promozioni.
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Bianca Menghi, Segretario Generale
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