Ajahn Chah was born June 17, 1918 to a wealthy family and numerous in a rural village in northeastern Thailand, died after a long illness on January 16 1992. It ‘was one of the leaders of the Theravada Buddhist tradition of the forest. He began studying religious and young twenties took monastic orders beginning the practice of meditation under the guidance of the great masters of the forest. For many years he lived as an ascetic, sleeping in forests and caves and places of cremation and finally has settled into a grove next to the village, picking up soon around him many disciples. Great teacher and meditator, was the inspiration of a vital monastic community that has spread from Thailand to England, America, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland and Italy.(http://www.ajahnchah.org/).
In Italy it was founded in 1990, the Monastery Santacittarama (The garden of the heart clear). E ‘the first – and still today the only one in our country – from the Theravada tradition, the oldest Buddhism. The Theravada Pali term means in fact teaching the elderly.
The association Santacittarama recognized in 1995 as a Religious Organization and is a member of the Italian Buddhist.
The monastery, located in Sabina, a bioregion Lazio famous for the quality of its olive oil, is open to anyone willing to pay a visit.
You can even stay to sleep but is not recommended for those who are first-time, stay longer than 5 days.
The atmosphere is quietly Community, despite the presence of some rules that is completely spontaneous respect.
The Theravada monks are strongly bound, by their rule, the secular society; by “beggars” can not handle money, cultivate the land, cook and must also refrain from touching the food that is given them, freely, on offer. Consequently the Santacittarama there is always a certain, although discrete, motion.
There are some lay people who care, daily, practical aspects and material life of the monastery and then cook, offer food to the monks and then mend and others who go to visit, bring food on offer and are working in the different domestic crafts and in the garden.
Santacittarama to have a way to meet interesting people and even fun (sounds strange in a monastery) because Ajahn Chanda Palo (Abbot) and other monks have reached such a detachment from daily squabbles to develop a wonderful sense of humor.
Currently living permanently at the monastery about ten people including monks and novices (anagarika). The garden of the heart is also a clear reference point for associations like Saddha and AMECO -Association for Consciousness Meditation – and meditation groups in Italy.
Monastery postal address
Santacittarama Monastero Buddhista
Località Brulla
02030 Poggio Nativo (RI), Italy.
>> google map <<
Tel: (++39) 0765 872 528 (During retreat time: 07:30-08:30, otherwise, Tues-Sun, 08:00-10:30)
Fax: (++39) 06 233 238 629
Email: sangha@santacittarama.org
How to get there (see map below)
By car: Leave the A1 motorway at the Fiano Romano (Roma nord) exit and take the Via Salaria (SS4) following all indications for Rieti. At Osteria Nuova, after the 52° km. sign, take a right, then left to the flyover, following signs to Frasso. After about 300m turn left at the large stone building (‘Grotta dei Massacci’), and then take the first right, following the road as it turns behind the animal market place. Just beyond the gas enclosure, take the gravel road to the left right to the end, to the open gates of Santacittarama.
By public transport: From Fiumicino airport trains leave about every 15 minutes for destination Fara Sabina or Orte. Take this train as far as Tiburtina Station (a journey of about 40 minutes), from where you can take the bus as described below. For transport from Ciampino airport to central Rome there are several options. For further information see: www.adr.it.
by bus from Rome: Frequent buses for Rieti leave from the Tiburtina Station in Rome. On week days they usually leave every 30 minutes, at 10 mins. and 40 mins. past the hour. The journey between Rome and Osteria Nuova takes about 1 hour. Tickets must be bought (tariff N° 6) in the station before boarding the bus. Get off after the sign for Osteria Nuova, just before the 53° km sign and the flyover. Cross the road and walk in the direction of Frasso Sabino, following the directions as above. It takes about 20 minutes by foot. Please bear in mind that more than half of the distance is by a gravel road, and thus not very convenient for luggage on wheels. Unfortunately there is no taxi service at Osteria Nuova.
On Sundays and public holidays there are no longer direct buses from Rome, but one can now take the train from Roma Tiburtina to Fara Sabina-Passo Corese from where there is a connection to a bus for Rieti that stops at Osteria Nuova. For further details see: www.cotralspa.it.

sociologist by training, he lives and works in London and Asia.
He made his debut in the publishing world, in 2002, with the book “Vegetarians how, where, why” (Malatempora Ed).
In the following years, even with Malatempora, publish: municipalities, communities and eco-villages in Italy (2003) and municipalities, communities, eco-villages in Italy, in Europe, in the world (2007). In 2009 he founded the publishing Viverealtrimenti, to begin with a garden of Eden, his first book of fiction and municipalities, communities, ecovillages, his third on an ancient and modern movement of experimental communities and sustainable.
In 2011 public Yoga based on authentic Indian traditions, his first book in English (translated in 2013, with the title from the authentic Yoga Indian tradition) and Barboni yes but in your own home, a collection of short stories and poems.
With public in 2012 Jasmuheen the Kumbha Mela, unraveling an interesting combination
between new age and tradition.
Forthcoming its Jesus in India ?, after about ten years of studies and research in the field (mainly in Kashmir, Punjab and Ladakh) constantly having as basis the holy city of Varanasi, where the author spent in the above mentioned period, the majority of his time.
Un “giardino del cuore sereno”, in provincia di Rieti http://t.co/S9A5023jsH