It might be the particular economic and social situation to make speak about it, so that you can define it a real phenomenon: coworking is having very fast growth in Italy, and Rome is in line with this trend.
But what coworking is? It’s a “shared workspace” as an office equipped, furnished and arranged so that the people using it, they can have all the services to carry out its activities independently (desks, fax, Wi-Fi, meeting room, bar etc.).
Coworking is the most beautiful and modern form of social and working organization in last years; it’s the answer to some important needs that workers, especially young people and free lance, are having to deal with.
The economic crisis, the implementation of new professions and working tools are changing our lifestyles and our jobs and for this reason the coworking is having a great success in Italy too.
Rome responded actively, giving to freelances (it is now increasingly high number of those who have chosen independent business activities and works) and commuters several options to use for an hour, a day or a month a work desk and spend a coffe break with other people talking about ideas and projects.
On the website (the first coworking space search engine in Italy – it’s possible to read a list of coworking spaces, about 50 , born in the last ten years and located in almost all areas of the city, with special features and services different from each other.
Based on the original concept of coworking, a place to work then, but characterized by the community that is created on the inside and from all activities that are organized for the coworkers (training, workshops, meetings, social breakfast, follow up), in order to create a network of knowledge and exchange useful for their professional and private lives.
The first spaces in Rome were born six/seven years ago:
Address: via Vacuna 96, 00157 Roma
Metro/Bus: 800 metri dalla Stazione Tiburtina (metro B: Tiburtina o Quintiliani) in autobus: 211, 111 e tutti quelli che passano per la Tiburtina)
Phone: (+39)06.45471683 or 06.83396833 Mobile: (+39)347.7366649
{google_map}via Vacuna 96, 00157 Roma{/google_map}
Address: Via Portonaccio 23/B, 00159 Roma
Phone: +39.06.91712099 | Mobile +39.329.1375521
ll Coworking SPQwoRk si estende per 500 mq, all’interno dei quali circa 200 mq dedicati a galleria espositiva.
{google_map}Via Portonaccio 23/B, 00159 Roma{/google_map}
The Hub
Address: viale scalo san lorenzo 67, 00159 Roma
Bus: col 3 e il 19, la fermata Scalo S.Lorenzo/Sardi
Phone: (+39)06 98378085
{google_map}viale scalo san lorenzo 67, 00159 Roma{/google_map}
Cowo – Coworking Project/Roma/Prati
Address: Via Nicola Ricciotti, 00195 Roma
Phone: (+39)06 4547 2267
{google_map}Via Nicola Ricciotti, 00195 Roma{/google_map}
In the wake of this model have been launched other shared workplaces with different characteristics depending on the possibility that space reserve: startup incubators (LUISS En Labs, via Giovanni Giolitti, 34, coworking of professional trade (Corte, piazza Dante, 3, with spaces for artistic activities or children areas (only one week ago has just opened in Rome, l’Alveare, via Fontechiari, 35
The comfort and convenience of services, its affordability and above all the ability to create a network of professional relationships, coworking is one of the next most interesting ways of working. Rome is update! It will be so much interesting to learn new ways of working together!

Metodi comunicativi, interazioni sociologiche e immagini – fotografiche e non – sono la mia passione. La curiosità e la voglia di imparare sempre qualcosa di nuovo mi spingono ad esplorare campi formativi nuovi. In Cowo|360 mi occupo della comunicazione interna ed esterna, dell’ufficio stampa, della gestione dei tirocini formativi, del coordinamento degli eventi e della gestione quotidiana dello spazio.