Brief interview with Arianna Matta … passionate artist, emotional , very expressive , professional and demanding that is expressed in various forms of art but mostly with admirably painting.
Very intense , his works show a great commitment and an ongoing study , are just left places , intimate and intellectual visions , forms of light that appear in the background . The oil , used in transparency , it is the master, as often monochromatic color … blue … purple sprouting . The evolution , the intensity , the soul hardworking and strong inner artist expresses and expands in his paintings … echoes and fragments … and finally a light at the end that gives us the feeling of security , of hope, love … positive and in continuous evolution … his art overwhelms the senses … .
Arianna tell us about yourself before your next solo exhibition in Rome entitled Matta ….
- How does your desire for art and painting? Tell us about yourself Arianna …
I’ve never been very sociable and consequently most of the time , as a child , I spent drawing . However, the ‘ art ‘ route was very twisty .
After completing high school for several contingencies began to work as a computer ; for ten years I had to abandon the practice of drawing, but I chose to feed at least the ‘ artistic thinking ‘ , to feed it with the study. With the hours I had free from work I was able to achieve the degree to d.a.m.s. but I never imagined that the painting would become my main activity . Thirty years I realized that my passion for art was pressing too much. I left the job and threw myself headlong into this adventure
- What technique do you use? works cast spreader, and studying hard?
Basically, oil on canvas . I love a fresh paint , gestural and immediate .
At the executive level I do not use a preparatory sketch , rather quickly set to work with very broad strokes and instinctive that suggest a ‘ vision ‘ . However the execution phase is preceded by a large study both as regards the compositional scheme both as regards the chromatic agreements . I consider it a fundamental part for my work also the study and observation of the work of other artists
- What do you want to express and what you love to express through your paintings?
I start with a penetrating, melancholy look ; why they prefer skinny or abandoned places . However, being fundamentally an optimist , I like to penetrate these environments of a lifeline . Basically my paintings speak of redemption and redemption
- A strong intimacy, constructive, quiet, interior spaces, an almost spiritual quest continues in all thy works … how important it expresses your inner soul and how?
Important ; painting is the ‘ luxury ‘ I allow my deepest and ‘ dark ‘ . Being a very private person , the beginning of my artistic career , I found some difficulty in finding a signature style and subjects that could be adapted to tell me . While I felt the urge to express myself on the other there was the shame for the feelings that kept me from choosing an explicit iconography or rhetoric. It landed at the industrial archeology painting because it lent itself to many metaphors and why in a sense those places were part of my daily life
- What is important is the color and light in your paintings today?
they are very important. In the first instance because I’m always trying to give more a figuration ‘ accomplished ‘ , and secondly because the color itself has a strong impact on the human psyche .
- Matta … from the title of your show, discuss the project in Rome and how did?
The title of the exhibition fully stocking as in this exhibition speak of myself . The works that I prepared for this exhibition come from a very tiring and important year for my life , the year that the resurfacing memories dormant and situations which are pending . Hence the need to express myself in a kind of stream of consciousness and to change the system of my work .
I chose the intimate environments , almost resigned avoiding deep joints , to force the viewer’s gaze to remain ‘ uncompressed ‘ . This ‘ look compressed ‘ I needed for two reasons : to give the opportunity to question and dig in and look at the painting itself . This shows in fact it is important for me also from the point of view of the trial . Im each work I tried the new pictorial solutions and destabilizing for the observer
- What kind of emotions do you want to convey to your audience?
In a person’s life are inexplicable and impalpable emotions , memories of something that no one has lived ; sometimes a smell , a color , a detail resurrect sensations we experience as obsessions and that in a certain sense determine us . The my works , wide-ranging , give shape to this type of experience . I like to immerse the viewer into a dimension in which the suspension makes possible the emergence of dormant psychic agencies.
- Works that we look inside and also reflect our hectic society so alone …
Surely we are experiencing a period of ‘ emotional consumerism ‘ that creepy feel . We can no longer buy material goods , but there is still insanely cheap commodity , the human being .
Surely my interiors are metaphors of this inner emptiness
- Future projects? What would you like for you?
The month of October will be very busy . I hope to keep the passion that until now has nourished my pictorial action
Arianna Matta was born in Rome in 1979. The passion for art leads her to graduate from D.A.M.S. and then attend the free courses of Rome University of Fine Arts ( RUFA ) . His artistic career actually begins from 2009 and 2011 is already among the finalists of the Arte Laguna Prize in Venice . He currently lives and works in the Castelli Romani, near Rome .
Starting with textural funds , with a color solution very dilute oil, often monochromatic , the artist works with different tools to create , using the metaphor of Zygmunt Bauman , a liquid vision of reality in which the construction gives way to instability.
Personal Exhibition of Arianna Matta
from October 14 until November 12, 2016 in Rome at RvB Arts | Showroom in Via delle Zoccolette 28 , 00186 Rome | info +39 335.1633518 | email

She is an independent curator, art advisor and international marketing management consultant. For more than 20 years, he has been a cultural designer of events related to contemporary art with particular attention to unusual spaces and interactions with other arts.