From 10 to 13 December 2020 Maker Faire Rome – The European edition is back, this year in digital form, easily accessible thanks to the dedicated platform hosting over 300 stands with innovative ideas, prototypes and projects for this eighth event.

From agritech to foodtech, from digital manufacturing to robotics, from artificial intelligence to mobility, from circular economy to health, from IoT to recycling, from data science to sportech and fashion, as well as the dedicated sections of Maker Art and Maker Music, which will explore the intersection between the arts, music, science and technology with online meetings, Maker Faire Rome confirms itself as the ideal space for conversation on the most innovative present and the future we are planning.

The platform is divided into several thematic channels dedicated to the main topics of Maker Faire and a Main channel, always live, from which stories of innovation are told during the days of the event, thanks to live broadcasts from the television studio set up in the former gazometro in Rome. Among the many live connections is the one with the Antarctic and the Arctic, thanks to the CNR and the newly established Institute of Polar Sciences, on the theme of climate change and the scientific research being carried out in those particular environments.


Live events, talks, webinars, workshops and conferences on the main themes of innovation, and also on new topics that the pandemic suggests we explore in greater depth, thanks to the valuable contribution of the many innovators who have responded to the various calls: “for Makers”, “for Schools”, “for Universities and Research Institutes”.

Maker’s Response – A special space dedicated to the experiences of Italian, African and American makers in these months of pandemic: inventions and activities to tackle the disease and help health and safety systems.

Maker Art – The section dedicated to the relationship between contemporary art and new technologies. The number of artists present is growing, more than 40 and coming from all over the world with new, experimental and engaging projects.

Maker Music – Telling the story of the making of music in a complicated, yet stimulating period, through talks, workshops and studio sessions the creation process will be illustrated, from idea to live performance, with artists, professionals and thinkers.

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence – This area will showcase the achievements and prototypes that will be presented to the public proposed by individual makers, universities, university spin-offs and research institutes: a vast series of projects ranging from the medical sector to the investigative one, from transport to cultural heritage.

Agrifood and Sustainability – This section presents innovations applicable to businesses, agricultural supply chains and local systems. The panorama is very interesting because it provides concrete answers to the themes of the European green transition and farm-to-fork and biodiversity strategies. Maker Faire will also be an opportunity to celebrate the awarding of the Nobel Prize to the World Food Program which, like the other major international food institutions, has its headquarters in Rome.

Education – The space dedicated to the projects of universities and schools that responded to the calls, in particular those from 29 Italian secondary schools, from Sicily to Friuli Venezia Giulia, and 5 European ones (two from Croatia and then Estonia, Romania and Portugal). 25 projects by Istituti Tecnici Superiori from all over Italy and selected by Miur and the ITS4.0 team from Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, coordinated by Stefano Micelli.

The area also presents a wide range of educational content both for teachers, with opportunities for webinars, training workshops and refresher courses, organised by CampuStore (ready 60 different educational contents, with leading personalities, both Italian and international, and international personalities from the world of education who will address various issues to offer a multi-faceted and forward-looking view of the challenges that schools are facing in this particular year), and for students of all ages, with games and learning courses organised by Codemotion (from how to create interactive software and video games to how to shape 3D objects in a simple and intuitive way with free tools accessible online).

Sportech – An area entirely dedicated to the technological development of sporting activity in the competitive and amateur fields will be available on the platform, from where it will be possible to observe how innovations in the fields of materials, measurements and health are changing sporting performance, dissemination and culture. There will also be a guest appearance by Luca Parmitano, astronaut and first Italian in command of the International Space Station (ISS), who is a great sports fan.

Fashion – Present with the second edition of the [R3]Circle – Riuso Riciclo Rigenero project, promoted in collaboration with Altaroma, to discover the new talents of Made in Italy, who will tell their stories to give the right attention and importance to the concept of circular economy in fashion.

Among this year’s contests to participate in:

Romebylight – The contest promoted by Acea spa, MFR’s gold partner, which stems from the desire, in view of the upcoming Christmas festivities, to enhance the Christmas illuminations in Via del Corso in Rome. The aim of the contest is to reward those who manage to best represent and enhance, through photographic images, both in colour and black and white, the Christmas atmosphere created by the artistic illuminations. Each participant is entitled to submit only one photographic image. In addition to special mentions, cash prizes will be awarded to the winners. There is also a “Young Photographer” section for people under 25 years of age. The deadline to take part in the contest is 6 January 2021.

The stories of MFR2020 born on school desks – The competition of ideas of Innova Camera, the special agency of the Rome Chamber of Commerce, aimed at students of Italian secondary schools. It aims to stimulate students’ reflection, creativity and originality on the theme of innovation and the importance of spreading digital culture, starting from their participation in the eighth edition of MFR. The competition is intended to be an opportunity to put students to the test and make them the protagonists of this digital edition, through the creation of stories or comic strips about their experience at the event as visitors. The most interesting and creative stories will be rewarded with an Arduino Explore Iot Kit that they can use in their school activities. Entries must be uploaded via the MFR website by 31 January 2021.

Drones competition – organised in collaboration with Riders AI and Officine Robotiche a free drone competition open to everyone (aged 14 and over), beginners and experts, in a digital environment. A challenge to the last flight, immersive and exciting, among enthusiasts from all over the world, and with an interesting set of prizes up for grabs. Two different types of competitions are planned: one dedicated to robots and the other to drones.


Maker Faire Rome, now in its eighth edition, is promoted and organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Rome, through its special agency Innova Camera. The contents of “Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition 2020” are curated by Alessandro Ranellucci, assisted by a qualified team of area managers: Carlo Hausmann (food and agritech), Mauro Spagnolo (circular economy), Valentino Catricalà (art), Andrea Lai and Alex Braga (music), Luca Di Bartolomei (sport), Adriano Franchi (fashion). The event is sponsored by Roma Capitale, the US Embassy and the Israeli Embassy in Italy and has the partnership of Sviluppo Campania, Inail, InfoCamere, Unioncamere, Unioncamere Lazio, Dintec, Pid. National and international sponsors include Eni (main partner), Sanofi, Acea, Terna, Unicredit, Arrow Electronics, Unidata (gold partner), STMicroelectronics, CampuStore, Conrad, Teko (bronze partner).

How to participate
The platform can be accessed on the days of the event by simply registering at To enhance your visit, simply profile yourself by expressing preferences on the themes and activities you expect to find during the event. You will receive suggestions and notifications in line with your interests. While browsing, you will be able to like, share content, chat with makers and exhibitors, ask questions or participate in live “Meet the Exhibitor” meetings.

From 10 to 13 December 2020 Maker Faire Rome – The European edition is back, this year in digital form, easily accessible thanks to the dedicated platform hosting over 300 stands with innovative ideas, prototypes and projects for this eighth event.

From agritech to foodtech, from digital manufacturing to robotics, from artificial intelligence to mobility, from circular economy to health, from IoT to recycling, from data science to sportech and fashion, as well as the dedicated sections of Maker Art and Maker Music, which will explore the intersection between the arts, music, science and technology with online meetings, Maker Faire Rome confirms itself as the ideal space for conversation on the most innovative present and the future we are planning.

The platform is divided into several thematic channels dedicated to the main topics of Maker Faire and a Main channel, always live, from which stories of innovation are told during the days of the event, thanks to live broadcasts from the television studio set up in the former gazometro in Rome. Among the many live connections is the one with the Antarctic and the Arctic, thanks to the CNR and the newly established Institute of Polar Sciences, on the theme of climate change and the scientific research being carried out in those particular environments.


Live events, talks, webinars, workshops and conferences on the main themes of innovation, and also on new topics that the pandemic suggests we explore in greater depth, thanks to the valuable contribution of the many innovators who have responded to the various calls: “for Makers”, “for Schools”, “for Universities and Research Institutes”.

Maker’s Response – A special space dedicated to the experiences of Italian, African and American makers in these months of pandemic: inventions and activities to tackle the disease and help health and safety systems.

Maker Art – The section dedicated to the relationship between contemporary art and new technologies. The number of artists present is growing, more than 40 and coming from all over the world with new, experimental and engaging projects.

Maker Music – Telling the story of the making of music in a complicated, yet stimulating period, through talks, workshops and studio sessions the creation process will be illustrated, from idea to live performance, with artists, professionals and thinkers.

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence – This area will showcase the achievements and prototypes that will be presented to the public proposed by individual makers, universities, university spin-offs and research institutes: a vast series of projects ranging from the medical sector to the investigative one, from transport to cultural heritage.

Agrifood and Sustainability – This section presents innovations applicable to businesses, agricultural supply chains and local systems. The panorama is very interesting because it provides concrete answers to the themes of the European green transition and farm-to-fork and biodiversity strategies. Maker Faire will also be an opportunity to celebrate the awarding of the Nobel Prize to the World Food Program which, like the other major international food institutions, has its headquarters in Rome.

Education – The space dedicated to the projects of universities and schools that responded to the calls, in particular those from 29 Italian secondary schools, from Sicily to Friuli Venezia Giulia, and 5 European ones (two from Croatia and then Estonia, Romania and Portugal). 25 projects by Istituti Tecnici Superiori from all over Italy and selected by Miur and the ITS4.0 team from Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, coordinated by Stefano Micelli.

The area also presents a wide range of educational content both for teachers, with opportunities for webinars, training workshops and refresher courses, organised by CampuStore (ready 60 different educational contents, with leading personalities, both Italian and international, and international personalities from the world of education who will address various issues to offer a multi-faceted and forward-looking view of the challenges that schools are facing in this particular year), and for students of all ages, with games and learning courses organised by Codemotion (from how to create interactive software and video games to how to shape 3D objects in a simple and intuitive way with free tools accessible online).

Sportech – An area entirely dedicated to the technological development of sporting activity in the competitive and amateur fields will be available on the platform, from where it will be possible to observe how innovations in the fields of materials, measurements and health are changing sporting performance, dissemination and culture. There will also be a guest appearance by Luca Parmitano, astronaut and first Italian in command of the International Space Station (ISS), who is a great sports fan.

Fashion – Present with the second edition of the [R3]Circle – Riuso Riciclo Rigenero project, promoted in collaboration with Altaroma, to discover the new talents of Made in Italy, who will tell their stories to give the right attention and importance to the concept of circular economy in fashion.

Among this year’s contests to participate in:

Romebylight – The contest promoted by Acea spa, MFR’s gold partner, which stems from the desire, in view of the upcoming Christmas festivities, to enhance the Christmas illuminations in Via del Corso in Rome. The aim of the contest is to reward those who manage to best represent and enhance, through photographic images, both in colour and black and white, the Christmas atmosphere created by the artistic illuminations. Each participant is entitled to submit only one photographic image. In addition to special mentions, cash prizes will be awarded to the winners. There is also a “Young Photographer” section for people under 25 years of age. The deadline to take part in the contest is 6 January 2021.

The stories of MFR2020 born on school desks – The competition of ideas of Innova Camera, the special agency of the Rome Chamber of Commerce, aimed at students of Italian secondary schools. It aims to stimulate students’ reflection, creativity and originality on the theme of innovation and the importance of spreading digital culture, starting from their participation in the eighth edition of MFR. The competition is intended to be an opportunity to put students to the test and make them the protagonists of this digital edition, through the creation of stories or comic strips about their experience at the event as visitors. The most interesting and creative stories will be rewarded with an Arduino Explore Iot Kit that they can use in their school activities. Entries must be uploaded via the MFR website by 31 January 2021.

Drones competition – organised in collaboration with Riders AI and Officine Robotiche a free drone competition open to everyone (aged 14 and over), beginners and experts, in a digital environment. A challenge to the last flight, immersive and exciting, among enthusiasts from all over the world, and with an interesting set of prizes up for grabs. Two different types of competitions are planned: one dedicated to robots and the other to drones.


Maker Faire Rome, now in its eighth edition, is promoted and organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Rome, through its special agency Innova Camera. The contents of “Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition 2020” are curated by Alessandro Ranellucci, assisted by a qualified team of area managers: Carlo Hausmann (food and agritech), Mauro Spagnolo (circular economy), Valentino Catricalà (art), Andrea Lai and Alex Braga (music), Luca Di Bartolomei (sport), Adriano Franchi (fashion). The event is sponsored by Roma Capitale, the US Embassy and the Israeli Embassy in Italy and has the partnership of Sviluppo Campania, Inail, InfoCamere, Unioncamere, Unioncamere Lazio, Dintec, Pid. National and international sponsors include Eni (main partner), Sanofi, Acea, Terna, Unicredit, Arrow Electronics, Unidata (gold partner), STMicroelectronics, CampuStore, Conrad, Teko (bronze partner).

How to participate
The platform can be accessed on the days of the event by simply registering at To enhance your visit, simply profile yourself by expressing preferences on the themes and activities you expect to find during the event. You will receive suggestions and notifications in line with your interests. While browsing, you will be able to like, share content, chat with makers and exhibitors, ask questions or participate in live “Meet the Exhibitor” meetings.


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By Arianna Pasquale

Parole, lingua e linguaggio, arte e le nuove tecnologie sono quel filo rosso con il quale mi diverto a tessere le mie giornate. Innovazione e sviluppo di nuovi orizzonti gli spunti che mi fa piacere incontrare. Giornalista, editor, copy writer e content media. Dopo la laurea in Filosofia del Linguaggio e della Mente a Napoli, mi trasferisco a Roma dove mi specializzo in comunicazione per il web e i nuovi media e per diversi anni sono caporedattore del mensile “Next Exit, creatività e lavoro” approfondendo temi di economia della cultura. Ho curato la pubblicazione di diversi progetti editoriali, tra cui Young Blood, annuario dei giovani artisti italiani, e RomaCreativa, per fare una mappatura dei creativi italiani nel mondo e nella capitale.

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