Michelangelo Buonarroti was a master of art in architecture, sculpture and painting.
Michelangelo Buonarroti was born in Caprese Michelangelo, March 6, 1475 and died in Rome in February 1564 IL18. Known as a sculptor, painter, architect and poet also Italian. He was a protagonist of the Italian Renaissance, already recognized in his time as one of the greatest artists of all time. His works are among the most important in the history of art, some of which are known worldwide and are considered among the most important works of Western art: the David, the Pietà, or the cycle of frescoes in the Sistine Chapel are considered unsurpassed achievements of the creative.
The study of his works marked successive generations, giving birth, with other models, to a school that did art “in the way” his and who goes by the name of mannerism.
The city of Rome has many examples of the art of Michelangelo.
A large amount of Frescoes of unmatched quality decorate the Sistine Chapel and Pauline. The most famous sculptures such as the ‘Pieta’ in St. Peter’s Basilica, the ‘Risen Christ’ also called ‘Christ of the Minerva’ in S. Maria sopra Minerva (Address: Piazza della Minerva, 42, 00186 Rome), the ‘Moses’ St. Peter in Chains (Address: Piazza of St. Peter in Chains, 4 / A, 00184 Rome).
The most striking piece of architecture is ‘drum’ of the dome of St. Peter’s, visible from most of the city.
Basilica di San Pietro ‘s, Città del Vaticano
Address: Piazza San Pietro, 00120 Vatican City
Phone: 06 6988 3731
LA PIETA’ (1497-1499)
The Vatican Pietà is a marble sculpture whose height is 174 cm, width 195 cm, and 69 cm depth. Created by Michelangelo Buonarroti, is dated to 1497-1499 and is preserved in the basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican in Rome. This is the first great masterpiece of the young Michelangelo. And ‘considered one of the masterpieces of Western art has ever produced. It is the only work signed by Michelangelo, the signature is visible on the sling holding the mantle of the Virgin: MICHEL.A [N] GELVS BONAROTVS Florent [INVS] faciebat (“He did the Florentine Michelangelo Buonarroti”).
The Pieta was important not only because it was the first masterpiece of Michelangelo, but also because it was the first work he has done in Carrara marble, which from that time became the favorite material fact in Carrara, the artist not only bought the block marble for the Pieta, but also several other blocks. Michelangelo was a revolutionary for its time as it decided to carve their statues did not need patrons: he could sculpt works that would be sold once finished. In practice Michelangelo diventaò an entrepreneur himself investing in their talent without waiting for others to do for him …
La volta della Cappella Sistina (1508-1512)
The Last Judgement – Il Giudizio Universale (1534-1541)
At the center of the wall painting (Affresco) is near the Christ the Judge with the Virgin Mary who turns his gaze towards the elect; the latter forming an ellipse that follows the movements of Christ in a whirlwind of saints, patriarchs and prophets. Unlike traditional representations, all is chaos and movement, and even the saints are exempt from the climate of anxiety, waiting, if not fear and dismay that involves expressively participants. The licenses iconographic, as the Saints without a halo, wingless angels and the young and beardless Christ, may be allusions to the fact that before the judgment every man is equal. This fact, which could be read as a generic reference to the circles of the Catholic Reformation, together with the nudity and the improper installation of some figures (Saint Catherine of Alexandria with the prone behind St. Blaise), unleashed against the fresco of the severe judgments of good part of the curia. After the artist’s death, and with the changed cultural climate also due to the Council of Trent, he went so far as to provide for the coating of nudes and modification of the most unseemly.
Moses at San Pietro in Vincoli
The Moses is a marble sculpture height of 235 cm, dated to about 1513 to 1515, was remodeled in 1542, and is preserved in the basilica of St. Peter in Chains in Rome, on the whole conceived as statuary Tomb of Julius II.
Moses, because of its vigor, virtuosity and anatomical its grandeur (proportional to twice the natural) is one of the most famous sculptures by Michelangelo and of Western sculpture in general, paradigmatic example of that “awesomeness” that is found in its works best.
Cristo della Minerva o Cristo Risorto
Christ of the Minerva or the Risen Christ
The Christ of the Minerva is a marble statue (h. 205 cm) by Michelangelo Buonarroti, built in approximately 1519 to 1520 and now preserved in the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome.
Piazza della Repubblica
The Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and the Martyrs was founded in 1561 by the will of Antonio Lo Duca, a priest devoted to the worship of angels. He was the first architect to design the basilica within the spa, he did raise the floor by more than two meters to isolate the moisture from the environment and exploited the tepidarium annexing other areas contiguous to it, left intact the beautiful and majestic eight columns and the mighty Roman masonry building a Greek cross oriented perpendicular to the current.
St. Peter’s Square
Project Dome
the Pieta
2. VATICAN MUSEUMS: Sistine Chapel –
Viale Vaticano 100
3. PAULINE CHAPEL visited with special permission
Crucifixion of St. Peter
4. Angello castel –
Tiber Castle
Chapel of Saints Cosmas and Damian
Piazza Farnese
Statement of facade
Piano nobile
Part of the courtyard
– Piazza della Minerva 42
Christ Carrying the Cross
Project of the square
Draft Palace of the Conservators
Base of the Statue of Marcus Aurelius
Piazza of St. Peter in Chains
Tomb of Julius II, with Moses
9. BASILICA OF SAINT MARY MAJOR – Piazza Santa Maria Maggiore
Sforza Chapel
– Republic Square
Piazzale di Porta Pia
Portal Project external
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