The 2017/2018 ROME THEATRE season is beginning and the program is interesting for all different preferences. Behind the Director Alberto Calbi’s choises this year motto: The theatre is the same for everybody. An open space, a social and civil agorà where the teacher’s lessons meet the intermediate generations and the new arrivals. From the tradition of the new at the ARGENTINA THEATRE to the investment on the future at the INDIA THEATRE.
Imagine the curtain that opens on reality and those who are in the stalls are part of it. Titles offer insights into the best tradition with a large research into the contemporary theatre. Grouped into sections we find also special projects, artist’s portrait and compliments. The aim is to stage ethical, social and historical performances to understand what is happening around us and to be ready to face the future. The children section’s claim is the future has an ancient heart, a perfect synthesis of hope and poetry for the youngest but not only.Argentina Theatre: a dialogue between classic and contemporary
A wide and trasversale offer by the Argentina, that you find complete in the program. You will find on the stage Shakespeare, Pirandello, De Filippo, Pasolini and Eco oltre a Sofocle, Goldoni e Dostoevskij. Apart from the piece of tip King Lear and just to name a few: La Famiglia Coleman, from the argentine Claudio Tolcachir; Bestie di scena, the last success of Emma Dante; Riccardo II directed by Peter Stein; Il Nome della rosa su dramaturgy of Stefano Massini e directed by Leo Muscato; Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore directed by Luca De Fusco; Delitto e castigo of the Russian Konstantin Bogomolov; Il Sindaco del Rione Sanità according to Mario Martone; Mocbettu the sardinian version of Alessandro Serra; Democracy in America of Romeo Castellucci; Arlecchino servitore di due padroni of Giorgio Strehler; La classe operaia va in paradiso, under the direction of Claudio Longhi; Il capitale di Karl Marx, a Marco Lucchesi’ project.
India Theatre: the factory of the future
At the India the rich program hosts: Silvia Rampelli, Enzo Cosimi e Julie Ann Anzillotti’s choreographies; Il Teatro da Camera by Riccardo Caporossi; Eretico from the Leviedelfool’s Company; Totò e Vicè by Vetrano/Randisi; Il Ritorno di Casanova by Lombardi/Tiezzi; shows partnership with Silvio d’Amico Academy (Hamletmachine day Bob Wilson; Mozart with Giuseppe Cederna; La lotta al terrore by Luca Ricci; Tante facce nella memoria by Francesca Comencini; Geppetto e Geppetto by Tindaro Granata; Quasi Grazia e Accabadora directed by Veronica Cruciani; Shoah by Fabrizio Saccomanno and Redi Hasa; La domanda della regina, directed by Piero Maccarinelli; Theatrum Mundi Show by Pippo Di Marca; Cenerentola the Fabrizio Arcuri’s version; I Malvagi by Alfonso Santagata; Ivan by Letizia Russo; Walking on the moon by Fabio Morgan; Mi sa che fuori è primavera, directed by Giorgio Barberio Corsetti; La Primavera di Praga by Jitka Frantova.

For children: opera and labs
15 titles in the program for the youngest: from the opera with Europa in Canto to the Integrate Laboratory with Infururarsi.
Collaborations: special tickets
The collaboration with the Palladium Theatre goes on. The Rome Theatre’s audience can assist a Palladium selection with special tickets coherent with the Roem Theatre program. Among the main partnership we mention Romaeuropa Festival, Shirt Theatre, Garofano Verde, Fabulamundi, Filarmonica Romana, l’Accademia Silvio D’Amico, up to Dominio Pubblico.
It is possible to tailor our own theatre, to cose among our favorite author, the best director, un unmissable actor and to search among the theatre of the future.
- the curtain will get up 550 times
- a program with 72 proposals
- 24 productions (14 new 8 coproduction, 2 repetitions)
- more than 60 alive authors on the stage
- 64 directors
- almost 300 interpreters
To look at the detailed program and the several subscription formula click here

Elena Cattaneo was born in Cremona and lives in Rome. As a teacher, editor and web reporter she looks at this city, even also many years, like a curious turist.
After a Foreign Language University Degree she specialized in Communication Science. She fully dedicated to Business Communication, her most relevant interest.
She cultivated several cultural hobbies, fond of art and human being expression.