On the occasion of the Easter holidays 2018 Roma Capitale promotes the initiative “La sorpresa è nei Musei” (“the surprise is in the museums”) with the organization of Zetema Progetto Cultura.
All the civic museums will also be open at Easter and Easter Monday with a rich cultural offer of exhibitions, shows, guided tours and workshops for children, with the payment of the ordinary entrance ticket to the museum, unless otherwise indicated. On Easter Sunday, which this year coincides with the first Sunday of the month, admission to all civic museums is free for residents of Rome and the metropolitan city (with the exception of the Magnum Manifesto exhibition at the Ara Pacis Museum) . The many appointments with art also continue on Easter Monday thanks to the extraordinary opening of all the museums.
Leaflet with the complete program
[pdfviewer width=”620px” height=”849px” beta=”true/false”]https://www.romecentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/sorpresa-nei-Musei_eventi-Roma-PASQUA-2018.pdf[/pdfviewer]
Easter at the Fori Imperiali
Easter Sunday, April 1, 2018 will be open to the public for free from 8.30 to 19.15 the visit to the Archaeological Area of the Fori Imperiali, with the last admission at 17.30.
The extraordinary opening includes the entrance to the Trajan’s Column and, after the walkway with the footbridge through the Trajan’s and Caesar’s Forums, the continuation through the short walk in the Forum of Nerva, which allows access to the Roman Forum through the walkway made at the Curia by the Superintendency of State.
Extra opening also of “The Ara as it was” on Easter and Easter Monday.
A multi-medial tale in which history and technology come together to create a fully immersive and multi-sensorial experience of the Ara Pacis. People, gestures, divinities and animals are turned into 3D animations that, with the addition of colour, tell the story of the origins of Rome and the Emperor Augustus’ family. Since 20 January, the story of the Ara Pacis has become even more enveloping thanks to the integration of computer graphics and both virtual and augmented reality.
From Thursday, March 29, 2018 to Monday, April 2, 2018 concerts and readings are scheduled in the Civic Museums. The performances begin on Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 16.00 at the Napoleonic Museum with a lyrical concert for voice and piano with the soprano Yesenia de los Ángeles, Badilla Jiménez and the pianist Rosa Maria Giovinazzo, curated by the Embassy of Costa Rica.
Friday, March 30, the Museo Carlo Bilotti will host, at 12.00, Easter Tales between Resurrection and Liberation with Antonio Bannò, Angela Ciaburri and Alessandro Muller on cello, curated by Teatro di Roma; at the Napoleonic Museum at 4 pm the jazz concert of Aldo Bassi / Alessandro Bravo duo in collaboration with Fondazione Musica per Roma; at the Museum of Rome in Trastevere at 16.00 the classical music concert with the pianist Luca Lione curated by Roma Tre Orchestra.
Saturday, March 31 will take place at the Villa di Massenzio (Mausoleum of Romulus) at 12 am Easter Tales between Resurrection and Liberation with Lorenzo Parrotto, Antonietta Bello, and Alessandro Muller on cello, by Teatro di Roma; at Centrale Montemartini at 12.00 the concert of MuSa Classica A tutto Bach by Sapienza Crea-Nuovo Teatro Ateneo; at the Napoleonic Museum at 4 pm the jazz concert Greg Burk / Federica Michisanti duo in collaboration with Fondazione Musica per Roma; at the Carlo Bilotti Museum at 16.00 the classical music concert with the pianist Giovanni Alvino curated by Roma Tre Orchestra.
On Easter Sunday, 1 April, the Museum of the Roman Republic and of the Garibaldian Memory will propose at 16.00 Easter Tales between Resurrection and Liberation, with Antonio Bannò, Alessandro Minati, and Alice Cortegiani at the Clarinet, curated by Teatro di Roma; while at the Museo Carlo Bilotti the classical music concert will take place at 4 pm with the pianist Michele Tozzetti curated by Roma Tre Orchestra.
The day of Easter Monday, Monday 2 April: at the Carlo Bilotti Museum at 12.00 the concert of MuSa Classica Le debut du printemps en France curated by Sapienza Crea-Nuovo Teatro Ateneo; at the Museo Giovanni Barracco at 12.00 the classical music concert with Fabiola Gaudio, violin, and Marco Simonacci, cello, curated by Roma Tre Orchestra; at the Museo Pietro Canonica 12 hours Easter tales between Resurrection and Liberation with Alessandro Minati, Silvia Quondam, and Alice Cortegiani at the clarinet, curated by Teatro di Roma; at the Napoleonic Museum at 4:00 pm the MuSa Jazz concert All that jazz … curated by Sapienza Crea-Nuovo Teatro Ateneo.
Also scheduled in the civic museums are guided tours, workshops for children and teenagers and the extraordinary opening of L’Ara as it was on Easter and Easter Monday. In particular, the Civic Museum of Zoology, as well as unusual visits to the museum scheduled for April 2 for the family Easter, offers science campuses for children aged 5 to 12 on March 29, March 30 and April 3, on the occasion of the closing of schools for the Easter holidays. Scientific Campuses will project young scientists between coral reefs and large carnivores of our planet, to experiment and play with science. Information and reservations on www.myosotisambiente.it.
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