“There is nothing about the art that one can not understand” Andy Warhol
This week special opening in Bologna for the Art week! With ArteFiera2019, at its 43rd edition, together with Art City Bologna, Setup and Paratissima, start with many events, opening, reviews to be visited until 3 February 2019. The beauty opens its doors to the general public, to his collectors and admirers.
Arte Fiera 2019, as the record is the first fair in Italy. For this year he has created new paths, also opening up to internationality. Inside the fair a strong section in the modern and post-war, a part dedicated to the contemporary, with a view to photography and for the first time also to the video. The Art Fair has for years been a point of reference appreciated by gallery owners, collectors and also by the public, even if this year in competition with ArtGeneve.
Directed this year by Simone Menegoi, Arte Fiera has introduced an unprecedented criterion of participation: the galleries have been invited to present a limited selection of artists. This choice wants to focus on in-depth study and specialization, encouraging galleries to present coherent projects with a curatorial style. The director Simone Menegoi says: “It is a way of stimulating galleries to propose in-depth presentations, in which there is the opportunity to know, through a journey of several works, the profile of each individual artist. In addition, about a third of the galleries will propose monographic stands, historically or emerging artists. The list of selected galleries sees many confirmations, some welcome returns and some new entries, especially with regard to contemporary research “. The artwork of “Viale” impressive big scultpture and the work that recalls our sustainability of Bertozzi & Casoni, always very creative and sensible to the green world.
At the entrance of the art fair you can see the Flavio Favelli art work with installation very interesting.Then you can’t miss in Hall 26: with Courtesy Emilia- Romagna; Oplà: performing Activities; Golinelli Foundation Laboratories; Talk by Flash Art; Hic et Nunc: the ni vip lounge (where to read and relax)
The main novelty of the program is “Solo figura e sfondo”, an exhibition dedicated to the institutional and contemporary art collections of Emilia-Romagna, both public and private by the Tito Balestra Onlus Foundation. The exhibition inaugurates a cycle entitled: Courtesy Emilia-Romagna: a series of temporary exhibitions, set up inside Arte Fiera starting from this edition of 2019, which aims to celebrate the collection heritage of the territory – a real “museum” widespread “- from the perspective of a curator, which will change every year, and of a theme proposed by him. For this first edition, curated by Davide Ferri, (a professor of Aesthetics at the Academy of Fine Arts of Rimini (LABA) and of Exhibition and Exhibition Ergonomics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna) the concept chosen : Emilia Romagna as a land of art, in which individualities and excellences are recognized as part of a fabric, a network, a common landscape. Romagna Initiatives IBC Emilia-Romagna Confcooperative Forli Cesena QA – Tourism, Culture & Art EventsRomagna.com MIG International Museum of Graphics – Biblioteca Comunale A. Appella Mibac inEmiliaRemagna Cristallino Legislative Assembly Emilia-Romagna Region Rubicon Union and Sea Culture Emilia-Romagna Longiano Turismo Comune Of Longiano.
Arte Fiera 2019: Bologna Exhibition Center 1-4 February 2019
Opening hours:
from Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd February 11.00am – 7.00pm; Monday 4 February 11.00am – 5.00pm
Many guests will go to Arte Fiera around the stands, and then they will be intrigued by the novelties of the city and eager to rediscover the territory, from the Historic Center of Bologna, to the Plains up to the Apennines.
Arte Fiera talks more and more with the city, creating new capillary links with major exhibitions in museums, special openings in the evening, together with Art City Bologna, the whole city opens up at Contemporaneo, curator Lorenzo Balbi (former artistic director of MAMbo and Museums Civici Bolognesi). It will also be accessed with the Museums Card at ART CITY Cinema and White night, #artcitywhitenight (February 2 for example opens the Teatro Comunale di Bologna with the 4 seasons of art from Antelami to Picasso, with music by Piazzola, Vivaldi, …) so you come to the Arts not only in the museums and galleries, but also in the local shops, taverns, cafes, … Great exhibitions by Mika Rottenberg, Hokusai Hiroshige, Thomas Struth, Warhol & Friends, Strumtruppen, Surrealist Lee Miller are waiting for you. You can also visit the works of the permanent collections of Bolognese museums, from prehistoric times to the contemporary world under the Bolognese Portici, UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Also alongside the great Fair, there is Setup Contemporary art fair 2019 an independent fair dedicated to emerging contemporary art for young artists, at the VII Edition at Palazzo Pallavicini founded by Simona Gavioli. Setup theme 2019 is Ithaca, the homeland of Ulisse but also synonymous with returns to the homeland after several odysseys. In the frescoed spaces of the headquarters in the center of Bologna, 25 international galleries, including 22 Italian and 3 foreign, will exhibit the works of their young talents to secure one of the prizes: the SetUp Award 2019, the Tiziano Campolmi Award and the Prize AT Cross Company for Art. In the OFF Projects section, inside the fair, the project by the photographer Luca Maria Castelli will be presented Exegesis of freedom by Maria Letizia Tega. Among the projects, within the fair there will be a site-specific work by the Ravenna artist Caterina Morigi. Barbara Baroncini who will present a work and a video installation. Saturday, February 2nd, the “I (m) SOLA” performance by Marina Visentini and Elena Copelli will be presented in national preview (by reservation / invitation only), created in collaboration with Teatro Magro in Mantova, specifically designed for SetUp with the intent to tell the island as a “place of transformation”. For the first time as in the Fair there will be a video section, we highlight the ISLANDERS, curated by the Bolognese Manuela Valentini. Marta Pujades, Ricardo Miguel Hernández, Moneiba Lemes / Alby Álamo and César Schofield Cardoso are islanders, young video artists who come from Palma de Mallorca, Cuba, Gran Canaria and Cape Verde respectively. SetUp Contemporary Art Fair celebrates seven years with the same initial spirit, always open to the world and the constant search for novelty with a young target and an inivative spirit appreciated by the public, exhibitors and professionals.
SetUp Contemporary Art Fair 2019 – VII Ed. Palazzo Pallavicini Via San Felice, 24 h: saturday 15:00 – 24:00 sunday 11:00 – 22:00 tel: +39 328 8087952 info@setupcontemporaryart.com- http://www.setupcontemporaryart.com/2019/
Very interesting too, it’s Paratissima Bologna Art Fair at the second edition with this year’s landing during Arte Fiera, from Turin to Bologna directly to Magazzini Romagnoli, a former industrial warehouse that will become an incubator of creativity for the occasion,on via Zago, 3 with the artistic direction of Francesca Canfora, a traditional event of the creative week.
“Expeausition_” is the 2019 concept of this year’s group exhibition, a celebration of the skin as a more immediate means of communication, to draw individuality through the most varied declinations. Among the interesting works, the duo Christian Molin and Marianna Merler Memo_art. To enrich the artistic offer, the presence of independent spaces curated by single or collective artists and contemporary Art Galleries: even in Bologna, Paratissima thus confirms its connotation of hybrid event, open to any form of art and participation.
Paratissima Bologna Art Fair
at Magazzini Romagnoli, Via Zago 3
Fri 15.00 / 24.00-Sat 15.00 / 24.00 and Sunday 10.00 / 20.00

She is an independent curator, art advisor and international marketing management consultant. For more than 20 years, he has been a cultural designer of events related to contemporary art with particular attention to unusual spaces and interactions with other arts.