The Week of Contemporary Art of the Capital.
In the Rome Art Week 2017 with many new features, with important numbers: 411 participants including: 264 artists, 33 projects, 114 galleries and institutions that will offer three hundred and seventy-one free culture events.
An independent and totally non-profit cultural project was set up in Rome at the Conference Center in Rome to host the public at the Rome Art Week II in Rome from 9 to 14 October 2017 to bring the public at large to the languages of contemporary art Sala da Feltre in Trastevere. ROME ART WEEK brings through exhibitions, performances, projects, critical works and meetings with studio artists. Today more than ever is the time to talk about culture and to be able to promote it for free too. Take the example from the great museums abroad and beyond. Starting to a small extent, RAW is demonstrating that the world of culture in Rome is cohesive, flourishing and strong. An appointment not to be missed!RAW was organized by Massimiliano Padovan di Benedetto and the artist Micaela Legnaioli and promoted by Kou – Association for the Promotion of Visual Arts that this year was a group of professionals who devoted free time, Valentina Ferrari responsible for RAW Guided Paths, Giovanna Giannini Guazzugli responsible for RAW Projects, Brigida Mascitti head of the Press Office of RAW, Chiara ODA responsible for RAW Points, Fabio Milani, RAW cultural tour organizer, Salim Mir Alaiee RAW photographer, and many more …
He presided at the RAW2017 Presentation Conference: Luca Bergamo, Deputy Mayor of Rome and Councilor for Cultural Growth who wanted to emphasize the importance of the project, with Kou President and founder of Rome Art Week, Massimiliano Padovan of Benedict and the Artist and co-founder of RAW2017 Micaela Legnaioli who talked about the news, moderated by Marco Ancora, head of the Culture Department of the IUU. Representatives of the 14 Points of View of RAW were also the artists Giovanni Albanese and Angelo Bellobono and the critic Dir. Del Media Art Festival Valentino Catricalà.
RAW aims to unite the world of contemporary art of the capital – creating a network of exhibition structures, artists, curators and critics of the art world – and to provide an exhaustive overview of its offer to the national public and abroad: the goal is to align itself with other European capitals, where Art Week or Gallery Weekend has been organized for years, creating a demonstration that can be a useful tool for knowledge, depth and momentum to the market and communication of the Contemporary Rome, projecting it to the attention of international circuits.
So many novelties from the new edition, starting with the land division involved in the macro-area initiative, for which routes will be suggested in order to improve the offer and make it easier for the public to participate in RAW events. RAWCode, one of the most important novelties that introduces the encoding system that allows you to view the complete card of each participating artist, project or structure. and enter the code.
Art is therefore protagonist with many unforseen appointments, novelties and curiosities in the industry, exhibitions, meetings and projects for a whole week in the capital. Among the facilities are the National Academy of San Luca, the Academy of Hungary, the American Academy in Rome, the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, the Central Institute for Graphics, the Experimental Center for Photography, the Palazzo of Exhibitions, Palazzo Velli Expo. Many of the facilities include Valentina Bonomo Gallery, Contemporary Mucciaccia, Space MatEr Loft Gallery, Chromatic Number, Anna Marra Contemporanea, 19th Century Art Gallery, Gallerati Gallery, Borghini Contemporary Art, just to name a few.
RAW artists are 264 who will open their studies to show their research and engage them in their creative work; Among the artists: Gianfranco Basso, Antonella Catini, Giulietta Cavalotti, Silvana Paula Chiozza, Quirino Cipolla, Barbara Crimaudo, Andrea Felice, Giorgio Pahor, Andrea Pinchi, Critina Piceda, Fabiana Roscioli, Loredana Salzano, Francesco Donadei, Daniela Monaci, Ervin Hervè- Loranth, Evelyne Baly, Pamela Pintus, Angelica Romeo, Inna Rogatchi, Crown Taravella, Natalia Trivino, Alberto Timossi, Alfredo Dante Vallesi and many more …
Among the projects groups of artists with curators will present to the public avant-garde cultural projects in various spaces and galleries such as the #Cross Over2 projects, Trascendenze Bocs8 at the Villagio Globale, and so many …
Critics and art operators in the art world will illustrate their “points of view” by providing them with reports and insights on some of the events of the circuit this year: Alberto Dambruoso, Angelo Bellobono, Daniela Fonti, Giovanni Albanese, Helia Hamedani , Maria Giovanna Musso, Micol Di Veroli, Paolo Balmas, Raffaele Gavarro, Roberto Gramiccia, Saverio Verini, Silvano Manganaro, Valentino Catricalà and Wonderlust.more …
Rome Art Week and an artistic initiative promoted by KOU – Nonprofit Association for the Promotion of Visual Arts.
For this second edition, RAW reconfirms the patronage of the City of Rome Capital, the Lazio Region, the International Union of Institutes of Archeology History and Art History in Rome and the IU – Confederation of Union of Intellectual Professions; to these are added the La Sapienza University and the MiBACT- Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism and Tourism.
Rome Art Week 2017 shows, free entry, not to be missed
please refer to the website for events that will be added later
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9-14 ottobre 2017
[t] +39 0621128870

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