If you always live music as a gift that comes to you from the sky, as the only possible means of expressing yourself with a totally instinctive approach to writing, never planned at a table, your name is Timothy Moore. Italian-English artist, singer, author, musician, Timothy perceives songs as entities already present in the wind that are only caught on the fly. They must be snatched inside the inspiration of the moment and his new single 5 in the morning gives listeners exactly that free and light feeling of elusiveness of life, of emotions, of the moment lived by the artist.
“Cos every time I see your eyes I lose my mind and every time I lose my mind I look for your eyes” writes the songwriter in a passage of the song, in what is a declaration of love, which immediately reveals an elegant taste in the choice of words and a rare sensibility, typical of who, traveling in the deepest darkness of his soul, he can get lost forever or find his way back with a wonderful light to sublimate it, as Timothy has managed to do. And of that lived rock’n roll over the top, he made it authentic, genuine, enveloping music.
Getting lost to find oneself was therefore fundamental in the human and artistic journey of Timothy Moore, a singer with an immediate tone, recognizable, enveloping and modern classic, characterized by a British pop writing that was never rhetorical or banal and with ample melodic arches.
From diamonds nothing is born and from manure flowers are born: the marvelous things of life and life itself are not born from luxury, greed and ease but from simple things, those with which we “dirty our hands” but who have need care and love. And the very long apprenticeship of Timothy Moore was certainly the very powerful fertilizer that led him to be the sparkling artist he is now: an independent career with Mood (Ventilador Music – Schubert Music), a band he founded in Barcelona where he lived for 13 years, tour in 9 countries including Brazil, Canada, Europe and more than 200 concerts in the assets. And it was precisely these years on the road that made him an artist with a punk attitude, unique and tempered, whose only and visceral desire is to continue to give himself on the stages, in the direct encounter with the public, without ever giving importance to the glam side of success, futile and evanescent. Timothy Moore does not make art, he lives it.
For the direction and editing of Jacopo Pietrucci, the black and white video clip of the single 5 in the morning by the Italian-English artist TIMOTHY MOORE tastefully alternates images in slow motion with short moments of time lapse that establish a relationship between them chemistry, succeeding in emphasizing with emphasis the cadences and breaths of the piece. Words and music seem to merge with the drops that join the others in the foreground and with the hypnotic face of the only female part of the story.
Timothy Moore, an Italian-English artist, was initiated into music from a young age in a family with a deep classical musical culture. Multi-instrumentalist, he falls in love with the Opera and, not surprisingly, he also discovers the Queen that he still loves. He debuted with the first solo album where also the prestigious signature of Michele Tadini, professor at the conservatory of Lyon and son of art of the famous painter and writer Emilio Tadini appears. Timothy comes from years of independent career as leader of the band Mood (tour in 9 countries with more than 200 concerts in the assets including the historical FestiMad of Madrid and the Youbloom Festival in Ireland; instore tour in the various European FNAC; Indie Week in Canada ). The trio he formed, under contract with Ventilador Music – Schubert Music, was born in Barcelona (where he lived for 13 years) and, besides being front-man, he was also a composer and author of all the songs.
In November 2018, there was his debut in Italy with the single The Rain and his new single 5 in the morning for OurTime Records is now released worldwide.
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